1. |
Effect of Moulding Water Contents on Collapsible Potential of Coastal Region soils
Surya Manikantha A, Abdul Moin
2. |
Growing Trends and its Relevance in Web Usage Mining
Panthagani Vijayababu
3. |
Dimensionality Reduction for Big Data Using Fuzzy-C Means Technique
U. Sathish Kumar, E. Srinivasa Reddy, P.Yugandharreddy
4. |
Publish/Subscribe Matching Service with Complex Computing and Reliable Communication
M. Kavya
5. |
Privacy Protecting of Sensitive Information in Social Networking Media
G. Nagendra Kumar
6. |
Stemming: Effective Pre-Processing Activities in Text Mining
K. Sudheer Kumar, MD Afzal
7. |
Honey Cipher Structure
M.Rambabu, Dr. M.V.Siva Prasad, Dr. Madhusoodanan Nair. M
8. |
Data Sharing with Forward Security using ID-based ring signature scheme
M.Jyothi, Pallapti Salmon
9. |
Unsupervised Distance-Based Outlier Detection in high-dimensional data
Krushima Soma, M.Shailaja
10. |
Efficient Image Processing on Distributed Platform using big data
K. Arun, P.Sailaja
11. |
Secrecy Procedure Implication of User defined Image on Resource Sharing Sites
Dr. Jangala Sasi Kiran, L.Sunitha
12. |
Security in Order-optimal Fuzzy Improved Adaptive Delay Multicast Routing Protocol
M. Saidi Reddy
13. |
Low- Power and Low – cost Wireless Sensor Networks
Dara Sampath Kumar, Dr G.R.K Subrahmanyam
14. |
Efficient File Sharing using Dynamics P2P Capability in Mobile ad-hoc Networks
M.Shailaja, Krushima Soma
15. |
Overview on “Internet of Things” Applications based study
Tirzah Samson Ponugoti
16. |
Low Power Area Efficient Counter Using Pulse Triggered Flip-Flop
A.Chakradhar, MD.Hameed Pasha, G.Shravan Kumar
17. |
Design and Implementation of Novel 4 Bit Universal Shift Register Using Reversible Logic Gates
K. Anusha, A.Deepika
18. |
An Overview of Various Edge Detection Techniques used in Image Processing
Priyanka Thakur, Rahul Singh Thakur
19. |
Design implementation of Micro Programmed FIR filter using Vedic Multiplier with Compressors
Roopa Martha
20. |
Design of Flash ADC for Wireless LAN Applications
Mirza Nemath Ali Baig, Dr. Mohammed Arifuddinsohel
21. |
Design of Low Power FSM based LFSR for Logic BIST
Afshan Jabeen, Sabir Hussain
22. |
Preparation of Frame Work for the Customization of Device Driver in Linux Environment
P. Anusha
23. |
CBIR Using Color, GLCM & Discrete Wavelet Transform
24. |
Hand Gesture based Interface for Aiding Visually Impaired
A.Deepika, Anusha Kurapati
25. |
Visual Cryptography Schemes for Images
26. |
Intelligent Power Management in Buildings Using ZigBee
Vijayabhasker Reddy
27. |
A Research on Vertical Handoff for Next Generation Wireless Networks
T. Gayatri, G. Srinivasu
28. |
Implementation of different 8-bit Full Adders
B.Alekhya, T.Veeramani, P.Surekha
29. |
Analysis of Different CMOS Adders Using 90nm and 180nm Technology
T.Veeramani, B. Alekhya, P.Surekha
30. |
VLSI Implementation of Fast Addition using Quaternary Signed Digit Number System
31. |
Aircraft Navigation Sensors/Systems and the significance of Multisensor data fusion
M. N. Narsaiah, Dr. S. Vathsal
32. |
Comparative Study of P&O and Incremental Conductance MPPT Algorithms for Photovoltaic System
Rophika Samson Ponugoti
33. |
Design and Simulation of Direct Power Control Based DSTATCOM
K Hussain, Dr J Praveen
34. |
Analysis of Distributed Generators with Fuzzy logic Controller Based Inverter at un-balanced loads
T.V.V. Pavan Kumar, Ranga Reddy (Dt)
35. |
Enhancement of Photovoltaic Systems with Cascaded Modular Multilevel Converters Using Fuzzy Controller
B.Swapna, Ch.Ramaiah
36. |
Advancement of Power Quality in Distribution System by Using SVC with SMES during Voltage Sag and Swells
37. |
A Discrete Space Vector Modulation Direct Torque Control of Sensor less Induction Machines
G. Anjaneyulu, Kamruddin Syed
38. |
A Study of Reactive Power Compensation in Power System and Its Compensation Techniques
39. |
An Alternative Fuel for Automobiles (Vegetable Oils)
D.Simhana Devi
40. |
Tracking the Sun for High Value Electricity by using Gallium-Arsenide Material
41. |
Design and Fabrication of Gear Cutting Attachment to Lathe For Machining A Spur Gear
M.Sagar Kumar
42. |
A New Concept of I.C. Engine with Homogeneous Combustion in a Porous Medium
Kalpa Narendar Reddy
43. |
Modal Analysis of Horns used in Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Drilling
Syam Narayana Addepalli
44. |
A Study Report on Rapid Tooling Process
45. |
Thermal Analysis of a Steam Turbine Propeller Blade
46. |
CFD Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger using Titanium Carbide, Titanium Nitride and Zinc Oxide Nanofluids
Hemasunder Banka, Dr. V. Vikram Reddy, M.Radhika
47. |
What Ails Spoken English in Engineering Class Rooms? A Diagnosis and Remedy
Dr. Lakshmi Kakumanu
48. |
The Challenges of Teaching and learning English for Engineering Students; Can the IELTS Approach be an alternative?
G A Bhaskar
49. |
Recent Techniques of Teaching in Engineering
Humera Nafees, K.Satayanarayana
50. |
A Study on Barriers to Ecommerce in India
51. |
A Survey on Mobile Applications and Methods of Payments
Sridhar K, Dr D Sureshbabu, Dr T Venugopal
52. |
Efficient Utilization of RF and Optical Energy Harvesting For Low and Medium Power Applications
Dr.S.Siva Prasad, Ashwin Kumar G, Rajeev. K
53. |
Adaptive Variable Speed Control Scheme for Wind Based On PFC of BLDC Drive Applications
L Jeevitha, T.V.V Pavan Kumar
54. |
Hybrid Renewable based Dc Micro grid using Fuzzy Control Technique for Energy Management System
V.Ramudu, T.V.V Pavan Kumar
55. |
Fatigue Failures of Echanical Components
P.Rama Mohan Reddy
56. |
The Analysis of Coriolis Effect on a Robot Manipulator
Pratap P Thomas
57. |
Mechanical Collapse due to Materials
Kalpana K
58. |
The Relavance of Gurukul System of Education in our Modern Education System to Transform the Engineering Education, An Experimental Study
Dr. Madhusoodanan Nair. M