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On The Continuous Water Shortage In Vidarbha And The Need For Greater Emphasis On Monsoon Rainfall Scientific Studies In India
Anand M. Sharan
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Solar Energy based IoT Embedded Multi-Purpose Agricultural Bot
Akshatha T, Bharathi Malakreddy A
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Disease Diagnosis System By Exploring Machine Learning Algorithms
Allen Daniel Sunny, Sajal Kulshreshtha, Satyam Singh, Srinabh, Mr. Mohan Ba, Dr. Sarojadevi H.
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Analysis Of The Disrtributed Databases In Different Environment
Vladimir Saso, Srdjan Jovkovic,Borivoje Milosevic, Nikola Davidovic
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RTL Design and Implementation of Erasure Code for RAID system
Chethan.K, Dr.Srividya.P, Mr.Sivashanmugam Krishnan
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Mechanical Exfoliation Of Single Layer Graphene From Hopg At Room Atmosphere Environment
Kyung-Min Lee, Jaeyoung Jeong, Yangsoo Lee, Jeonghwan Kim, Tae-Youl Choi
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Fire Fighting Robot
Dr. Niranjan Bhattacharyya, Akshat Sharma
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Online Toll Payment System
Fathima .G, Jayamala .J, Keerthika .S
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u-Bit Microprocessor Design
Glen Monahan
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Evaluation of Color Rendition indices for LED lighting in merchandising spaces
Sujung Lee, Heakyung Yoon
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Integrating Lean and Six-Sigma framework for Process Improvement
Jagadish K E, Ramki A, V Krishna Kanth
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Experimental study of surface roughness on a processed detail of tungsten carbide by using a grinding device on a diamond turning machine
Kliment Georgiev, Pavlina Katsarova, Ivan Chopov
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Implementation of ATM security using IOT
Mahalakshmi.T.K, J.Kumudha, M.Ranjitha, J.Gurumurthy, Dr.D.Sivakumar
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IoT Based Passenger Count System in Public Transport
Nayana R, Bharathi Malakreddy A
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Analysis Of Axial Ball Socket In Automotive Headlamp
J.Niresh, A.Abdul Samath
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Effectiveness of Gamma Radiations on Properties of Wheat Grains & Chickpeas Starch: A Review
Ravi R. Shinde, Deepak T. Bornare
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Application of micellar enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) and activated carbon fiber (ACF) hybrid processes for the removal of nickel from an aqueous solution
Rahman Faizur Rafique, Zaira Zaman Chowdhury, Jeyon Moon, Seunghwan Lee
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Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Expert System for Disease Diagnosis
Sakshi Maskara, Arvinda Kushwaha, Shashank Bhardwaj
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Analysis and Control of Three Phase PWM Rectifier for Power Factor Improvement of IM Drive
Ajesh P S, Jisha Kuruvila P, Dr. Anasraj R
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A Study of Design and Development Approaches of Robot Navigation System for Obstacle Avoidance
Anuj Kumar, Ankit Kasera, Nikita Sharma
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Dual Boost Converter fed Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive
Febi Thomas V, Dr.Bos Mathew Jos, Deena George
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Application Example of Triz and Taguchi’s Robust Design Techniques to Software Testing
Ljubomir Lazic
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The Impact of Empathic Algorithms on Artificial Intelligence
Nusrath Khan, Devi Prasad Mishra
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A Prototype For Generating Man In The Middle Attack
Shashank Malik, Yojna Arora
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Exploring marketing strategies of FMCG in Amaravathi region of Andhra Pradesh
Dr.K.Lalitha, Dr.A.RamaRao
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Document clustering – Application of PCA and K-means on Domain Ratio Tables
Padmaja Ch V R, Lakshminarayana S, Divakar Ch
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Basic Review on wireless Communication for 5G
Aruna Jyothi Chamanthula, S.V. Kiran, R. Anil Kumar
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Isolation and identification of bioflocculant-producing bacteria, heterotrophic nitrogen removal bacteria and poly-phosphate bacteria in wastewater from “My Tho rice noodle” factories, Tien Giang province, Vietnam
Le Thi Loan, Tran Vu Phuong, Cao Ngoc Diep
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Camera Position Estimation using 2D Image Dataset
Dr. Surita Maini, Dr. Ashwani Kumar Aggarwal
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Implementation of MIMO-OFDM System Based on MATLAB
Sushmitha Prabhu, Gagandeep Shetty, Suraj Chauhan, Renuka Kajur
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Review on Thermoacoustic Refrigeration System
A.S.Futane, Prerana Hire, Rahul Mishra, Akshay Mali
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RNN and LSTM based Chatbot using NLP
Poonam Dhankhar