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Control Strategy of Vienna Rectifier Using Different Parameters
Paulomi Sengupta, Dr. Goutam Mukhopadhyay
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An Exploratory Study On Life Skills Intervention And Its Impact On The Study Skills Among Young Adolescents
Daisy P.J, Dr. A. Radhakrishnan Nair
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Cryptocurrency: The Emerging or Engulfing Currency
Astha Rai, Devendra Bhavsar, Yash Saraswat
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Analysis of Performance and Interdependency of Crypto-Currencies
Maria Joma Elizabeth, Dr. K. Sunil Kumar
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Comparative study of multi storey buildings with conventional bricks and autoclaved aerated lightweight bricks considering with and without p-delta effect
Rajesh Ganiger, Pavan Gudi, Sachin Kulkarni
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Effect of Magnetized Ferro Fluids in Heat Exchanging- A Review
Rajesh Kocheril, Jacob Elias
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Automatic text summarization based on frequency count for Marathi e-Newspaper
Shubham Bhosale, Diksha Joshi, Vrushali Bhise, Rushali A. Deshmukh
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Preparation and Optical Properties of DracanaFragransDye Extract
Yin Maung Maung, Aye Mya Khaing, Khaing Nway Win, Than Than Win
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Coefficient of Consolidation: Simplified One Point Method
Binu Sharma
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Effect of Temperature on Biochar Product from Rice Husk Biomass
Than Than Win, Thinzar Lwin, Thin Thin Kyu, Yin Maung Maung
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An Analysis Of Customer Churn For Mobile Network Operators In Zimbabwe
Brain Kusotera, Fredy Chimire, Tichaona W Mapuwei
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Fourth-Order Binder cumulant to characterize the first-order phase transition of equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems
F. W. S. Lima
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Design of Plate Girders For Deck Type Railway Bridges
Parvathy Krishna kumar
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Unconventional Advertisement Taglines: A Linguistic Enquiry
Dr. Aditya Prakash, Amita Dhawan
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Buffer Size based Route Discovery Technique and Comparison with AODV
Binu K Banga