1. |
Investigation of Impact Performance of Glass/Epoxy Laminates
Aarthy S, Velmurugan T
2. |
A Survey on Recommender Systems based on Collaborative Filtering Technique
Atisha Sachan, Vineet Richariya
3. |
Non Adaptive and Adaptive Thresholding Approach for Removal of Noise from Digital Images
Akanksha Salhotra, Gagan Jindal
4. |
Generation of Electricity through Speed Breaker Mechanism
Alok Kumar Singh, Deepak Singh, Madhawendra Kumar, Vijay Pandit, Prof.SurendraAgrawal
5. |
Potential of Energy Conservation of Femtocells in WCDMA Networks
Amitashish Chand, Arjun Singh Bhadauria
6. |
An Analysis on Security Concerns in Cloud Computing
Abhishek kumar, Shubham Kumar Gupta, Animesh Kumar Rai, Vikas Deep
7. |
Pressure Relief Valve Selection
B.J.Patil, Dr. V. B. Sondur
8. |
Enhancement of Small Middle Enterprises using Social Media Marketing
Dr. Chandikaditya Kumawat, Vikas somani, Neetu Ranawat
9. |
Optimization of 2-D Steel Truss by Grid Search Method
Chetan R. Kakadiya, Atul N. Desai
10. |
A Genetic Programming Slant on the Way to Record De-Duplication in Repositories
Preethy.S, Daniel Das.A
11. |
Structural Analysis of Differential Gearbox
Daniel Das.A, Seenivasan.S, Karthick.S
12. |
Understanding of OHDR and its repercussions on over all operation of super critical power plant
Rahul Pachouri, Devendra Dandotiya, Surendra Kumar Agrawal
13. |
Inbuilt Hydraulic Jack in Automobile Vehicles
Mohammed Abuzaid, Mohammad Hasnain, Shabaj Alam, Sohail khan, Prof. Surendra Agarwal
14. |
Robust Watermarking Scheme Against Multiple Attacks
Kiratpreet Singh, Rajneet Kaur
15. |
Response of Two-Way Asymmetric System with Linear & Non Linear Viscous Dampers under Bi-Directional Earthquake
Jimmy Hitendrakumar Joshi, Snehal V. Mevada, Sumant B. Patel
16. |
Cloud Computing: Network Security in E-Banking
Kirti Saxena
17. |
New Multicast Routing Protocol in Ad-Hoc Network
Parul Vashist, K.Hema
18. |
Aerodynamic Design, Fabrication and Testing of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades
T.Mahendrapandian, T.Velmurugan
19. |
Optimization of Process Parameters in High RPM Micro Drilling Machine
Dr. K.K.Gupta, Prof. Tapan Jain, Manish Deshmukh
20. |
Measurement Time Method for Engine Assembly Line with Help of Maynard Operating Sequencing Technique (MOST)
Tarun Kumar Yadav
21. |
Effect of Vortex generators on Aerodynamics of a Car: CFD Analysis
Mohan Jagadeesh Kumar M, Anoop Dubey, Shashank Chheniya, Amar Jadhav
22. |
A survey of K means Clustering with modified gradient magnitude region growing technique for lesion segmentation
Navneet Kaur, Gagan Jindal
23. |
Comparative Analysis of Semantic Search and Annotation retrieval
Nishant Sharma, Gagan Jindal
24. |
Design and development of a Multifunctional portable machine
Kevin Patel, Niraj Kumar Shrivastav, Prof. Surendra Agrawal
25. |
Predictive Techniques Audit
P. D. Hiwase, Dr. N. S. Raman, Dr. H. V. Hajare
26. |
Experimental Study on Parametric Optimization of Titanium based Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) in Electrochemical Machining Process
Pravin D.Babar, Baliram R.Jadhav
27. |
Review of Different Steganographic techniques on Medical images regarding their efficiency
Preet Kamal, Gagandeep Jindal
28. |
Compression of Image with Haar Wavelet and Neural Network A Review
Rajwinder Kaur, Sheenam Malhotra
29. |
Contrast Enhancement using modified fast Haar wavelet transform (MFHT) on Lung cancer images
Ridham Sharma, Gagan Jindal
30. |
Implementation Issues in FMS: A Literature Review
Rishu Sharma, Piu Jain, Garima Sharma
31. |
Performance Analysis of Vertical Machining Center through Process Capability
Sachin Prakash Wanare, Prof. Mangesh V. Gudadhe
32. |
Micro – Level Analysis of Rural Domestic Energy Consumption Pattern in India – A Case Study of Daryapur Block
Ingole Sachin S., Bhuyar Lalit B., Deshmukh Samir J.
33. |
Design and Development of an Integrated System for the Conventional Two and Four Wheeler by using High Pressure of Exhaust Gases
Mintu Giri, Sagar wadhwani, Rohit Kumar, Vikas Kumar Maurya, Nawneet Tiwari, Prof. Surendra Agrawal
34. |
Behaviourial Study of Expansive Soils and its Effect on Structures–A Review
Verma S. K., Maru S.
35. |
A Critical Challenge of Corrosion of Reinforcement & its Protection
Prof. Prafulla J. Wankhede, Prof. Shrikant N. Pawar, Prof. Shantanu N. Pawar
36. |
Laboratory studies on strength and bearing capacity of GSB-soil subgrade composites
Dr. Sureka Naagesh, Dr. R. Sathyamurthy, Sudhanva.S
37. |
Seismic Response of Non-Structural Elements
Suresh L. Dhanani, Sumant B. Patel, Snehal V. Mevada
38. |
Parametric Optimization on single objective Dry Turning using Taguchi Method
R.K.Suresh, G. Krishnaiah
39. |
Population Profile, Human Capital Formation and Economic Development of Madhya Pradesh (1951-2011)
Dr. Surya Prakash Tripathi, Dr. Neeru Joshi
40. |
Best Parameter for Congestion Detection during Video Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks
K.Thangaraj, S.Karthik, S.R.Kamalraj, A.R.Padmapriy, M.Jananii
41. |
Template Based Face Recognition using Real Images
Upneet Kaur, Gagandeep Jindal
42. |
Increased Productivity and Planning By Improved Plant Layout Using Systematic Layout Planning at NCRM Division, Bhushan Steels Ltd. Khopoli, Mumbai
Vinod arya, Prof. Sanjeev singh chauhan
43. |
Cost Optimization of Concrete Beam Element – By Direct Exhaustive Search Method
Zubin S. Mehta, Atul N. Desai, Sumant B. Patel
44. |
A Review of Research in Thermal Engineering.Study of Various Factors and Parameters Involved in Usage of different types of turbulators in heat exchangers
Manish Sanserwal, Mayank Bhardwaj
45. |
Intellectual Bank Safekeeping System
Joshua Bapu.J, S.R.Aryalekshmi, S.Deepika, G.Kezia, P.Maria Jothi Jenifer
46. |
Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
Anil Choudhary, Dr. O. P. Roy, Dr. T. Tuithung
47. |
Fluorosis in Relation to Nutrition, Fluoride in Drinking Water and Socio Economic Background in Agastheeswaram Union, India
A. Anitha Joshi Raj, V. Umayorubhagan
48. |
Online News Classification: A Review
Harmandeep Kaur, Sheenam Malhotra
49. |
A Tree based Routing DHT to Evaluate Maxdisjoint for Multihop Networks
M.Lavanyaprabha, Dr.P.Balakumar
50. |
Overview of Tumor Detection using Genetic Algorithm
Amanpreet Kaur, Gagandeep Jindal
51. |
Line Drawing for Conveying Shapes in HDR Images
Pavan Kumar M.P, Nagendra Swamy H.S
52. |
Traffic Light Priority Control For Emergency Vehicle Using RFID
Suresh Sharma, Alok Pithora, Gaurav Gupta, Mohit Goel, Mohit Sinha
53. |
Design, Development and Fabrication of Soil Tiller and Weeder
Md. Aqib Naque, Akhtar Ali Rizvi, Amogh v. Tijare, Prof. A. B. Tupkar
54. |
Condition Based Maintenance Modeling for Availability Analysis of a Repairable Mechanical System
Rachna Chawla, Girish Kumar
55. |
To Design a Genetic Algorithm for Cryptography to Enhance the Security
Dr. Dilbag Singh, Pooja Rani, Dr. Rajesh Kumar
56. |
FIR (Sparse) Filter Design Using IST Algorithm
Niraja Singh, Pushpraj Tanwar
57. |
Cloud Service Models
Adesh Kumar
58. |
Security Issues in Infrastructure as a Service
Adesh Kumar
59. |
Security architecture of cloud computing
Adesh Kumar