1. |
Drying of Grape with an Infrared Radiation heating mechanism
A.H. Utgikar, A. K. Shete, A. A. Aknurwar
2. |
Compression Cluster Based Efficient k-Medoid Algorithm to Increase Scalability
Archana Kumari, Hritu Bhagat
3. |
Artificial Neural Networks for Cryptanalysis of DES
Bahubali Akiwate, Veena Desai
4. |
Face Recognition using Segmentation Method and Measurement based Approach under Varying Poses and Illumination
Bakul Pandhre
5. |
Renewable Power Based Power Supply System For Grid Interface
Blessy A Rahiman, Aparna Thampi
6. |
An Improved Average Gabor Wavelet Filter Feature Extraction Technique for Facial Expression Recognition
Deepak Verma, Dr. Vijaypal Dhaka, Shubhlakshmi Agrwal
7. |
Study of Inverted Type Equations of State for Solids at Constant Temperature and High Pressure
K.L.Yadav,D.S.Tomar, B.S.Sharma
8. |
Piezoelectric Generators for Vibrational Energy Harvesting
Dinesh Bhatia, Prashant Sharma, Anubhav Kumar
9. |
Effect of Enhancements Provided on the Performance of Stepped Type Solar Still
J.S. Gawande, L.B. Bhuyar
10. |
FPGA Implementation of Fast Error Correction and Detection for Memories
Kunjan D. Shinde, Jayashree C. Nidagundi, Dr. S.R.Patil
11. |
A Novel Watermark Recovery Technique in Various Attack Conditions
Madhusudhan.K.N., Lalitha.S., Ashwini.V, Manjula.R
12. |
A Survey of Classification Techniques in Data Mining
M. Sujatha, S. Prabhakar, Dr. G. Lavanya Devi
13. |
Effective and Efficient Data Retrieval System
K.Anis Fathima, T.Kamalakannan, Dr.A.Muthukumaravel
14. |
Performance evaluation of Different Annotation retrieval methods
Nishant Sharma, Gagandeep Jindal
15. |
Comparative Analysis of Steganographic Algorithms intacting the information in the Medical images regarding their efficiency
Preet Kamal singh, Rajwinder singh
16. |
Computerized Telemetry with Closed Loop Control
Sudipta Chakraborty, Rajarshi De Biswas
17. |
Authentication using Iris
C.S.S.Anupama, P.Rajesh
18. |
An Efficient Prediction of Breast Cancer Data using Data Mining Techniques
G. Ravi Kumar, Dr. G. A. Ramachandra, K.Nagamani
19. |
Two-Step Approach for Acquiring Semantic Relations from Textual Web Content
Sonal P.Patil, Rujata N.Saraf
20. |
A new approach of Modulo (2n + 1) Multiplier
Santosh Chouhan, Prof. Ravimohan, Prof. Sumit Sharma
21. |
Performance analysis of LDPC Decoder using OpenMP
S. V. Viraktamath, Jyothi S. Hosmath, Dr. Girish V Attimarad
22. |
A effective New Learning Approach towards Digital Electronics
Sneha S. Revankar
23. |
Performance Analysis of Classification Methods for Opinion Mining
Sumathi T, Karthik S, Marikannan M
24. |
Water Distribution Schedule under Warabandi System considering Seepage Losses for an Irrigation Project-A case Study
Sunil Ajmera, Dr. R.K.Shrivastava
25. |
Options for Costing System for Small and Medium Enterprises
Vijay Vanshal, Tarun Kumar Yadav, Yashwant Ahirwar
26. |
Plastic Electronics: An Enabling Technology
Neha H Mulchandani, Vidya N Udhane
27. |
Comparison of Jaccard, Dice, Cosine Similarity Coefficient To Find Best Fitness Value for Web Retrieved Documents Using Genetic Algorithm
Vikas Thada, Dr Vivek Jaglan
28. |
Implementing Preserving Location Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks
S.B. Swathi, B.Surya Samantha, Mahesh Kumar Thota
29. |
NBTI Recovery in SRAM Arrays through Enhanced Recovery Boosting
Mudasar Basha, Shaik Karimullah, K.Abdul Rehman
30. |
Deadlock Managing Process in P2P System
Akshaya A.Bhosale, Ashwini B.Shinde
31. |
Segmentation of Colour Data Base Image by Implementing K-Means Clustering
Madhusmita Sahu, Dr.K.Parvathi
32. |
Dual Band Rectangular Microstrip Antenna For Wireless Communication Systems
Kratika Jain, Sandhya sharma
33. |
Two layer secured encryption and decryption methods for multimedia data
Santhosh Kumar S, Basana Gowda Patil, Mruthunjaya, Prashanth
34. |
Study and Impact of CloudSim on the run of PSO in Cloud Environment
Kavita Bhatt, Dr. Mahesh Bundele
35. |
Comparative Analysis of Heuristics for Makespan Minimising in Flow Shop Scheduling
Amar Malik, Ashwani K. Dhingra
36. |
Data Encryption by Excluding Repetitive Character in Cipher Text
Ajit Danti, Manjula G R, Rajesh Nayak
37. |
Reconstruction of Naturally Sparse Image Using Gibbs Sampling Strategy
P.S.Ramesh, S.Letitia, M.Chandrasekar
38. |
Mobile Security (OTP) by Cloud Computing
Indrajit Das, Ria Das
39. |
Comparative study of PID and Fuzzy tuned PID controller for speed control of DC motor
Mohammed Shoeb Mohiuddin
40. |
Robust Face-Name Graph Matching For Movie Character Identification
L. Shrusti, CH.Rajendra Prasad
41. |
EEG based Machine Control
A. Kavitha Rajesh
42. |
Parenting Styles and its Effects on Adolescents’ Self-Esteem
Prof. Akanksha Deshpande, Prof. Mamta Chhabriya
43. |
Study on Various Glass Defect Using SIFT
Sumeet Singh Tiwana, Sukhpreet Kaur, Divya Sharma
44. |
A Survey on Zone Routing Protocol Techniques
Pravinder Singh, Monica Lamba, Vikas Deep
45. |
Depriciation of Rupee in Indian Economy: An Analysis
Dr. Partap Singh
46. |
Gold Prices in India: Study of Trends and Patterns
Dr. Partap Singh
47. |
Framework for Evaluating and Ranking the
Reusability of COTS Components based upon Analytical Hierarchy Process
Sonu Mittal, Pradeep Kumar Bhatia