1. |
Ontology Driven Focused Crawling of Web Documents
Dr. Abhay Shukla
2. |
Analysis of phase Locked Loop using Ring Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Abhishek Mishra
3. |
Effect of Process Parameters on Tenacity of Acrylic Fiber
Er. A.K.Tripathy, Dr. Divya Hiran
4. |
Eliminating TCP Connection Failure in a Web Server Cluster
Anjali Verma, Vaishali Ughade Lokhande, Saurabh Khare
5. |
Spam Detection Using Email Abstraction
Bhawana S. Dakhare, Prof. U. V. Gaikwad, Prof. V. B. Gaikwad
6. |
System Design of Raspberry Pi for Radio Frequency Identification and GPS
DeviSelvam, S.Divya
7. |
Prediction of Micromechanical Behaviour of Elliptical Frp Composites
Kiranmayee.Nerusu, P. Phani Prasanthi*, P.Sri kant
8. |
Digital Image Enhancement and Histogram Processing
Kulkarni Narayan Nagorao , Dr. Gaikwad Ashok Tejrao
9. |
Wavelet Based Face Recognition using ROIs and k-NN
K M Poornima, Ajit Danti, S K Narasimhamurthy
10. |
Dynamic Search Algorithm in P2P Networks
11. |
Mail Alert based Suspicious and Malicious Tweet Urls Blocker System in Twitter
Priya.U, R. Vidhyaprakash
12. |
Credit Pre-Reservation Mechanism for Mobile Prepaid Service
Jyoti Bhosale, Priyanka Pawar
13. |
Injection Mold Design and Optimization of Battery Air vent
Rahul S. Khichadi
14. |
Detection and Identification of new malware in Network Security
C. Rajagopal
15. |
Different criterions for PAPR reduction methods in OFDM systems and Performance Measurement for such systems
Prof. Himanshu A. Patel, Dr. D. J. Shah, Reema.P. Patel
16. |
A Compact Quad-Band Microstrip Slot Antenna for WLAN/WIMAX Applications
Sandeep K. Shukla, Bhagwan Sharma
17. |
Study of Biological Active Factors in Some New Varieties of Minor Millet Seeds
Sangeeta Gupta, S.K. Shrivastava, Manjul Shrivastava
18. |
High Efficiency AC–AC Power Electronic Converter Applied to Domestic Induction Heating
J.Arun Kumar, Sudhakar
19. |
Waterfall Power Generation System
U.Someshwar Dutta, S.Arun prabu, M.Karthik, T.Ramkumar, L.Manivannan
20. |
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Aircraft Stiffened Panel
Janugaon vijay kumar, V.Sreenivasulu, Dr.C.Udaya Kiran, Y.Vijaya Kumar
21. |
Development of high strength, high toughness and high wear resistant parts for mud pump
M.Srinivas, K.Srinivasa vadayar, B.Sridhar Babu
22. |
Performance of Geopolymer Concrete with Polypropylene Fibres
S.Subbiah ilamvazhuthi, Dr.G.V.T.Gopalakrishna
23. |
Optical Sensor Using ExpEyes Junior Kit
Trilochan Patra
24. |
An Efficient Carry Select Adder With Reduced Area And Low Power Consumption
Tumma Swetha, K.Navatha
25. |
Pathway Collection below Resource Constraints in Multihop Cognitive Radio Networks
M.Vanitha, A.C.Sumathi
26. |
An efficient prediction-based lossless compression scheme for bayer CFA
Roopa Venna, Narasimha Swamy B
27. |
Regression Method for Linear and Kernel Discriminant Learning
V.Vignesh, G. Naga Nandhini, Dr.K.Krishnamoorthy
28. |
Issues in Designing of Reliable Cloud Applications
Vishwas Dixit, Abhishek Sharma
29. |
Improving Security and Integrity of Data Storage in Cloud Computing By Using Homomorphic Authentication technique
Vipul Patel, Rahul Kumar, Ankur Raj
30. |
To Minimize the Buffer Size in Mobile Adhoc Network
Surya G, Aishwarya T
31. |
Security Issues and Solutions in Cloud & Grid Computing
Kalyani Alisetty, Dr. K E Balachandrudu
32. |
Cloud Computing & Grid Computing Environments
Kalyani Alisetty, Dr. K E Balachandrudu
33. |
Image Restoration using Accelerated Proximal Gradient method
Alluri.Samuyl, D.Srinivas
34. |
Semantic-Based Web Mining Under the Framework of Agent
Usha Venna, K Syama Sundara Rao
35. |
A Review Paper on Construction Site Layout Planning
Amrutraj Dilip Patil, Deepa A. Joshi
36. |
Performance Enhancement in a Print Pack Firm by Layout Optimization
S.Ambika, D.Vasanth Kumar
37. |
Mechanical Properties of Concrete using Bottom Ash Manufacturing Sand and Metallic Fibres
38. |
An Approach to Analyze Valve Train Dynamics of an IC Engine using Software Tool ‘Tycon’
Lakshmi Prasad Boggupalli
39. |
A Performance Analysis of Optical Code Division Multiple Access System
Davinder Singh, Ravika Goel, Anil Kumar
40. |
Graph Based Approach for Finding Frequent Itemsets to Discover Association Rules
41. |
Impact of Nutritional Knowledge Status of Adolescents on their Health
Jyoti Rani, Dr. Rashmi Tyagi, Dr. Sangeeta Chahal, Bhateri