1. |
Implementing Hybrid Protocol in MANETs Using DAWN Technique
SivaKumar.A, Joel John.M, Retheesh.D
2. |
Secure Image Steganography using N-Queen Puzzle and its Comparison with LSB Technique
Akashdeep Singh, Sandeep Kaur Dhanda, Rupinder Kaur
3. |
Fuzzy & Datamining based Disease Prediction Using K-NN Algorithm
Anand A. Chaudhari, Prof.S.P.Akarte
4. |
A Survey on Path Weight Based routing Over Wireless Mesh Networks
Ankush Sharma, Anuj Gupta
5. |
Mechanical Properties of Polymer Fly Ash Concrete and Silica Fume
M.Sivaarunkumar, C.Mathiraja, V.A. Shanmugavelu
6. |
Corrosion Behaviour of NIMONIC-90 Alloy
S. Devaki Rani
7. |
Various Techniques used for Protection of Transmission Line- A Review
Himani Mahajan, Ashish Sharma
8. |
Different Approaches to Mitigate Selective Forwarding Attacks in WSN
Jaspreet Singh, Anuj Gupta
9. |
Cost Optimized Virtual Machine Deployment in Eucalyptus for Autonomous Systems
Kamalesh Karmakar, Anesul Mandal
10. |
Fuzzy Technique for Analysis of Self Excited Induction Generator for Varying Capacitance Under Constant Speed and Load
Kiranpreet Kaur, Ashish Sharma
11. |
Surfactant Enhanced Remediation: Removal of Water Hardness by Pseudoactivated Carbon Prepared from Wheat Husk
N. Gupta, V. Gupta, A.P. Singh, R.P. Singh
12. |
Detection Of Spoofing Attackers And Localize Them In Wireless Networks
P.Naveen Kumar, R.P. Narmatha
13. |
Stochastic analysis for assessment of Sensitivity of pushover curve to design parameters
Neena Hede(Panandikar), Dr.K.S.Babu Narayan
14. |
Survey Paper on Cloud Computing
Palvinder Singh, Er. Anurag Jain
15. |
Impact of Black Hole and Neighbor Attack on AOMDV Routing Protocol
Priyanka Bansal, Prof. Anuj K. Gupta
16. |
A Novel Approach to Surface Refraction Effects on GPS Radio Occultation Refractivity in Marine Boundary Layer
Ramineni Rakesh, A.Vinnarasi
17. |
Innovation for Safe Travel
Laksmi Kiran Pragada, Ravi Katukam, Manzoor Hussain
18. |
Enhancement of Heat Transfer by Nanofluids in Solar Collectors
Santhisree Nerella, Dr.N.V.V.S.Sudheer, Dr. P. Bhramara
19. |
An Approach for Security Systems Using seeUsee
Santhosh Damodaran, Gowtham Veluchamy, Pradeep Rajan
20. |
Implementation of a Neuro-Fuzzy PD Controller for Position Control
Sudipta Chakraborty, Saunak Bhattacharya Debabrata Raha, Debabrata Raha
21. |
A Review on Briquettes as an Alternative Fuel
Shaikh Ateek Ahmed, Anita Kumari, Ketan Mandavgane
22. |
Mobile Element Trajectory Control Scheme to Reduce Sensed Data Collection Delay against Obstacles
V.Shrinithi, R.Rohini
23. |
Study of the influence of machining parameters when machining tungsten carbide using EDM
Subhakanta Nayak, Sushil Dev Rout
24. |
Enhancement in File Compression Using Huffman Approach
25. |
A Survey on Clustering Techniques and Load Balancing Algorithms
K.Sundaramoorthy, G.Kaviyarasi, Dr.S.Srinivasa Rao Madhane
26. |
Document Clustering Approach Using Internal Criterion Function
Ch.Sivasankar, D.Vivekananda Reddy
27. |
New Time based User Security Scheme for Smart Cards
B.Srinivas, B.Upener
28. |
RADNET Protocol enhancement by implementing RED routing algorithm using NS2 for Wireless Adhoc Networks
Er. Lipsa Walia, Er. Pradeep Kumar Gaur, Dr. (Mrs.) Anupma Marwaha
29. |
Design of GSM based Talking Energy Meter
Mandeep Singh, Ritula Thakur, Dr. S. Chatterji
30. |
Proxy MSS based Synchronous Checkpointing Approach for Mobile Distributed Systems
Pradeep Kumar Sharma, Parveen Kumar, Surender Jangra
31. |
Genetic Programming: A study on Computer Language
Nilam Choudhary, Prof.(Dr.) Baldev Singh, Er. Gaurav Bagaria
32. |
A hybrid Approach of Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Technique to Software Test Case Generation
Abhishek Singh, Naveen Garg, Tajinder Saini
33. |
Analysis of Symmetric algorithm for XML document security
Nithin N, Harshitha.K.S., Divyashree K, Shruti.N.Nayak
34. |
Analysis of Symmetric algorithm for XML document security
Rinkal Dabra, Sanjay Singla
35. |
Automatic Test Data Generation Approach Using PSO with Dominance Concepts
Rinkal Dabra, Sanjay Singla
36. |
Performance Based Group Allotment for Optimum Distribution
Prabin Haloi