1. |
Strength Characteristics and Durability Characteristics of Silicafume and Metakaolin based Concrete
A.Anbarasan, M.Venkatesan
2. |
Active Vibration Control of Smart Beam under Random Vibrations
A. K. Kaushik, Y. Krishna, P. Bangarubabu
3. |
Design of SPI flash controller for Spartan6 FPGA
Bhavana.B.M, Shreela Dattawadkar, Ajaykumar D
4. |
A Literature Survey on Pin Configuration and Performance of Some Restricted Sized Digital Microfluidic Biochip
Debasis Dhal, Sudipta Roy, Piyali Datta, Arpan Chakraborty, Rajat Kumar Pal
5. |
Recent Patterns and Trends of Data Mining for Web Management
S.Kannan, Dr.G.N.K. Suresh Babu
6. |
Fabrication of CdSe Thin Film for Photosensor Applications
Harishchandra K. Sadekar, Anil Vithal Ghule, Ramphal Sharma
7. |
Design, Fabrication Application and Advantages of Nanofiltration Unit
Gaurav R. Salbarde, Kiran D. Bhuyar
8. |
Optimized Virtual Resource Deployment using CloudSim
Anesul Mandal, Kamalesh Karmakar
9. |
An energy Storage using Cascaded Multilevel Inverters by PMSM with Autonomous Power Regernarative Control System
G. Venkateswarlu, M.kishore
10. |
Experimental investigation & analysis of tyre deformation for enhancing its life
Gayatri Madhukar Shirsat, Prof. N.K.Kharate
11. |
Vision Rehabilitation, Prosthesis Eye
Darji Hemang Dineshkumar, S.R Jain, J. T Patankar
12. |
An Efficient Design of Sum-Modified Booth Recoder for Fused Add-Multiply Operator
M.Chitra Evangelin Christina, P.Maria Jothi Jenifer
13. |
Analysis of Air Pollution in Tropical Urban Region during summer and Winter Seasons
T. Jaya Prakash, Prof. D.Punyaseshudu
14. |
Analysis of Tropical Cyclone and its Impact on Coastal Areas
T. Jaya Prakash, Prof. D.Punyaseshudu
15. |
Predicting the Lung Cancer from Biological Sequences
Kalaiyarasi R., Prabasri S.
16. |
Flow of an Incompressible Micropolar Fluid through A Channel Bounded by A Rigid Permeable Bed
S.Nanda Kishore
17. |
Ray Casting for 3D Rendering – A Review
Dr.M.Mohamed Sathik, R.Mehaboobathunnisa, A.A.Haseena Thasneem, Dr.S.Arumugam
18. |
Methodological and molecular issues involved in assessment of endocrine disruptive potentials of water contaminants: A mini review
Preeti Shrivastava, Priyanka A. Mulay, Dr. Pravin K. Naoghare
19. |
Enhanced Reactive Routing (E2R) for Wireless Sensor Networks
Murtale Priya Prakash, Prof Bhagyashree R
20. |
Coplanar Integration of Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna Using CAD-FEKO
Vishnupriya A. Shinde, Prof. Sunil R. Gagare, Prof. Rekha P. Labade
21. |
Comparative Study of Performance of a Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine with LPG and Biodiesel
Kallu.Raja Sekhar, G.V.N.B.Prabhakar
22. |
Exhaust Gas Analysis on Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine with Different Pure and Blended Fuels
Kallu.Raja Sekhar, G.V.N.B.Prabhakar
23. |
Comparative study on Strength characteristics of Geopolymer concrete with Altered Curing Conditions
Rangarajan .P.T, Antony Francis. V
24. |
Farm Advisory System for Farmers of Northeastern states of India
Ranjan Yengkhom
25. |
Medical 3d Printing, Case Study
Prakash Marripati, Ravi Katukam, Manzoor Hussain
26. |
3D Printing – The Future of Manufacturing
(The Next Industrial Revolution)
Dr.Ravi Shankar Kalva
27. |
Assessing Environmental Sanitation in Rural Area of Sukena Village, District – Nashik, Maharashtra
Richa R. Savale, S. R. Korake, M. V. Jadhav
28. |
FluoroelastomerIs the Best Material for Water Header Gasket of Diesel Engine
Sandip Chavan, Bhauso Bichakule, Vijay Humbe, Amar Pandhare
29. |
Advance Prediction of Tsunami by Radio Methods
Sheenu.P, Dr. MJS Rangachar
30. |
Algorithm to Detect Non-Contiguous Clones with High Precision
Sonam Gupta, Dr. P.C. Gupta
31. |
Flexural Behaviour of RCC Beams
S Tejaswi, J Eeshwar Ram
32. |
Effect of Notch Diameter on the Fracture Toughness of Al7075 T6 Alloy- An Experimental Approach
Basawaraj V. Dharne, Trimbak K. Todkari
33. |
Comparative Performance Assessment of different Solar PV Module Technologies
Vishakha Baharwani, Neetu Meena, Arvind Sharma, Richie B. Stephen, Parimita Mohanty
34. |
Historical review and recent trends in non-conventional energy source: Fuel Cell
M.D.Mehare, Md.Zain Kangda, N.N.Bhaiswar, K.S.Shelke
35. |
Rapid Ball
Yashwanth Byalla, Chandrakanth Myadari, Thummala Rahul Reddy, Mohammed Wajahat
36. |
Study of Geometrical Parameters on Friction Calibration Curves of Non Conventional Specimens & Exergy Analysis
Santosh Sanodiya, Keshavendra Choudhary
37. |
Shop Supervisory Locking and Watch Guard Alert System
Rishika Kodam, Ujjvala Hiremath, Pallavi Aawar
38. |
Cost – Effective Solution for Twist Free Chassis Design of Three Wheeler Vehicles
Satish Choudhar, Dadasaheb Rupanwar, Ashok kalgunde
39. |
PAPR Reduction of OFDM System by Better Performance ICF Technique
Shilpa Bavi, Sudhirkumar Dhotre
40. |
A Review:Cluster Head Selection using Fuzzy logic in Wireless Sensor Networks
Amar Kurmi, Jaya Dipti Lal, S.V Charhate, Sumit Ganvir
41. |
Multi-keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data
Swati Barsagade, Nilima Bhujbal, Kalika Kambale, Swati Khilare
42. |
A Review on Energy Efficient Relay Selection Scheme for Cooperative Uniformly Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks
VedPrakashGanawath, Jaya DiptiLal, S. V Charhate
43. |
Forecasting Project Performance using Earned Value Analysis
Tania Deena Alex, Sahimol Eldhose
44. |
Design Upgradation and three Dimensional Finite Element Fatigue Analysis on Composite Pressure Vessel
S. Kamalakannan, S.Prasath, S.Sundaresan
45. |
Effect of Hybridization with E-Glass Powder for Composite Laminates Subjected to Quasi-Static Indentation
M. Ashok Kumar, A.M.K. Prasad, D.V.Ravishankar
46. |
Performance Evaluation of Floyd Steinberg Halftoning and Jarvis Haltonong Algorithms in Visual Cryptography
Pratima M. Nikate, Prof. I. I. Mujawar
47. |
Analysis of Spur Gear Box Using Software tool Ansys
K.G.Patel, S.U.Patil, H.G.Patil
48. |
A Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithm
Saiesh N. Prabhu Verlekar
49. |
Software Design and Hardware Realisation of Single Phase to Single Phase Step Down Cycloconverter
Shweta Sethi, Prof. G.K. Jindal, Prof. Madhusudan Singh
50. |
Column Optimization using a Direct Search Method
Jagbir Singh, Sonia Chutani
51. |
Risk Issues at the End of Cloud Service Provider
Adesh Kumar