1. |
Analysis of Response of Pavements subjected to Dynamic Loading
Ankur Kulkarni
2. |
General Purpose- Remote Terminal Unit GP-RTU
Aditya D. Hadpadkar, Prof. Vidya Gogate
3. |
Enhancement of Quality/Gain of Indirect Vector Control (IVC) Using PID Controller in 3-Phase Induction Motor
Amit Kumar Meshram, Amit Goswami
4. |
A Fuzzy Entropy-based Method for Texel identification
Anil Kumar Mishra, Latika Singh
5. |
Texture-based Image Segmentation using Information measure
Anil Kumar Mishra, Latika Singh
6. |
Effect of Atmospheric Refraction on Wave Propagation with Variations based on Geographical Location in Tropical Environments
Yekeen O, Olasoji
7. |
Design of A Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) Network: University Campus as A Case Study
Yekeen Olajide, Olasoji
8. |
Image Inpainting Technique using Examplar-Based Blot Propagation
Swati Kumari
9. |
Effect of Co doping at Cu-site on Structural / Microstructural Characteristics of Tl-based high-Tc Superconductors
B. S. Yadav, B. Das
10. |
Captcha as Graphical Passwords- A Novel Approach
Bhupendra Shivhare, Jijo S Nair
11. |
Development of Computational Model of Half Car through Bond Graph for Comfort Evaluation
Nripendra Kumar Choudhary, Chandan Kumar
12. |
Failure Analysis of Suspension Coil Spring for Passenger Car through Sem Microstructure Investigation
Yogesh Chaubey, Chandan Kumar, Sandeep Chauhan
13. |
A Literature Review on Analysing the Performance of Single Cylinder 4 Stroke Diesel Engine using Blends of Tire Pyrolysis Oil and Diesel
Chirag D. Singal, Syed F. Ahmed
14. |
An Effect of Blends of Tyre Pyrolysis Oil & Diesel on Brake Specific Fuel Consumption of 4-Stroke C.I Engine
Chirag D. Singal, Syed F. Ahmed
15. |
Fast moving Object Detection and Recognition in Surveillance videos
Geeta H. Diksangi, Suganya S
16. |
A Review of Various Spam Classification Techniques
Er.Harpreet Kaur, Er.Ajay Sharma
17. |
FPGA based Reconfigurable FFT Architecture for Communication System
Harshith K, Sandeep Bhat
18. |
Design of Automatic Phase Selector from any Available three Phase with the use of Logic Gate and Relay driver
Himadri Sil, Sayan Debnath
19. |
Design of Bush Mounting Fixture with Critical Part Analysis
Ishwar D. Gavali, Prof. S.H.More
20. |
Energy Aware Congestion Adaptive Reactive Routing Protocol with Dynamic Power Control
Jinesh Kumar Singh, Prasun Chakrabarti, Avinash Panwar
21. |
BESS Enabled Micro Wind Energy Generation System for Power Quality Improvement
B.Kandavel, G.Uvaraj, Dr.M.Manikandan
22. |
Removal of Color from C.I. Basic Blue 9 by Hydrogen Peroxide and Fenton Oxidation Processes
K. Thasilu, J. Karthikeyan
23. |
An Experimental Analysis on Direct Injection Diesel Engine using Algae Methyl Ester
M.V.Karthikeyan, C.Silmbarasan, P.Saranya Devi
24. |
N-Column Authentication Key Building with Multi-Round Cryptography for Higher Level of Security in 4G networks
Kanica, Anuj Kumar Gupta
25. |
Review on Different Trends in Friction Stir Welding
B. Supraja Reddy, Dr. B.Ram Gopal Reddy
26. |
An Optimized Approach for Medical Image Retrieval and Storage in Hadoop Framework
Latika kakkar, Gaurav Mehta
27. |
Proximity Coupled Rhombus shaped Sierpinski Fractal Microstrip Antenna for wireless applications
Madhusudhana K, Dr. Jagadeesha S, Dr. Vani R.M
28. |
Power Quality Improvement by Using Shunt Hybrid Power Filter and Thyristor Controlled Reactor with Fuzzy Logic Controller
R. MadhusudhanaRao, P. Yogananda Reddy
29. |
A Survey on GSM based Prepaid Meter
Akshay Gautam, Ravindra Meena
30. |
An Experimental Investigation on Implementation of Advanced Cascaded Multilevel Inverter for Renewable Energy Applications
K.Mahendran, Dr.S.U.Prabha
31. |
Experimental Investigations on Single Cylinder CI Engine for Variable Compression Ratio & Variable Injection Pressure Using Treble Fuel
Md.Fakhruddin H.N., Dr.Manzoor Hussain, Md. Samiuddin Siddiqui
32. |
PAPR Reduction Techniques in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) -A Review
Mohammad Moin Ansari, Rajesh Parashar
33. |
Efficient Clustering-Based Feature Subset Selection Algorithm for High Dimensional Data
P.Madhavi Latha, Madhavi katamaneni, Geetha.G
34. |
QoS-Aware routing protocol for improving accuracy of bandwidth estimation in mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Mukesh Kalla, Avinash Panwar, Prasun Chakrabarti
35. |
Design and Analysis of Jute/E-Glass/Epoxy Composite Mono Leaf Spring of Varying Cross-Section Area using Catia V5 and Ansys 14.5
K.Nagendra Babu, P.Sudheer Kumar
36. |
Crisis Tracker: Crowd sourced Social Media Curation for Situation Awareness
Madhavi Katamaneni, P.Madhavi Latha, Geetha.G
37. |
Thermal Design of Dryer for Tur Dal Mill
Kamlesh S. Shelke, Naresh N. Bhaiswar, Nitin M. Bhondge
38. |
Critical Issues Refraining Implementation of Cloud Computing In Educational Institution
Nilam, Baldev Singh, Ripu Ranjan Sinha
39. |
Literature Study of Visible Light Communication Techniques
Neha Yadav, Pooja Kundu
40. |
Spatially Aware Term Selection for Geotagging
Geetha.G, Madhavi katamaneni, S.Sunitha
41. |
Design and Development of Air Intake System for Commercial Vehicles
Amit Kumar Gupta, Pawan Sharma
42. |
Design and Implementation of A Digital Code Lock System using ‘C’ Programme
Pinaki Satpathy, Surajit Mukherjee, Moumita Jana, Raj Kumar Maity
43. |
Improved the Performance of Iris Recognition Using Genetic Algorithm
Preeti Lipton, Manish Chaturvedi
44. |
Improved the Performance of Load Balancing In Scientific Cloud Environment
Priyamvada Singh, Surendra Vishwakarma
45. |
The Security Challenges and an Assorted Approach in Cloud Computing
Rabindra Nath Ray
46. |
A Study on Different Text Summarization Methods in Dravidian Languages
Rahul Raj M, Rosna P Haroon
47. |
Electrochemical Spark Machining Process for Non Conducting Materials: A Review
R.K. Singh, D.K Singh, Manoj Kumar
48. |
Developing website in an open source content management system (CMS) – WordPress
Ritu Aggrawal
49. |
Phytochemical Screening and GCMS Analysis of the Methanolic Extract of Plectranthus Ambonicus
Saisha Vinjamuri
50. |
A Study on Modeling and Constraints of Visual Cryptography
Sakshi Mehta, Basant Sah, Dr V K Jha
51. |
Mechanical Anisotropy of Aluminium AA1050 and Aluminium Alloy AA6016 produced by Accumulative Roll Bonding
Sanjeev Sharma, Rudra Pratap Singh, Surender Kumar
52. |
An Analytical Study on Slipforming of Vertical Concrete Structures
P.Sathiya Bama, M.Priyadharshini, Dr.G.Jaisankar
53. |
An Efficient Android App for Blood Donation Process
Shek Eahtesam, Shilpa Raaz
54. |
Inferring the Travel Purposes of Passenger Groups for Better Understanding of Passengers :A Survey
Shirin A. Maniyar, Pooja Shinde
55. |
Data Integrity Protection for Cloud Storage through FMSR
Sonali V.Ghule, Pratibha S.Yalagi
56. |
Traffic Signals based on Density with Innovative Clearance for Ambulance
Giridhar Balakrishna. R
57. |
Secure Performance of Intrusion Detection System for MANETs Using New Digital Signature
U. Srilakshmi, Dr. Bandla Srinivasa Rao
58. |
Efficient Rudder Control Mechanism for Unmanned Ship Navigation
Alok S V, Sreenivas Shikar R, Singamsetty Prasanna Sai Ram, Nithin K R, Prof.Anil Kumar D
59. |
Efficient Gender Classification Using DCT and DWT
S. Sunitha, Madhavi Katamaneni, P.Madhavi Latha
60. |
Comparison of Strength Parameters of Conventional Concrete with Spent Fire Brick Concrete
61. |
Automatic License Plate Recognition System (ALPR): A Review
Sweety, Ashima Rana, Poonam Rani
62. |
Design & Analysis of Dual Plate Check Valve
Tanveer Ahmed Bankapur, Dr. Irfan G, Lohitesh Jaga Kumar
63. |
Design of Optimized Synchronous Up/Down Counter Using Reversible Logic Gates
M Tejaswini, Raji C
64. |
IP Based Device Control and Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi Based On IOT
Patel Urvija J., Nehal G. Chitaliya
65. |
Platform Virtualization: Understanding Virtual Machines, LXC, Docker, Kubernetes and Ubernetes
Vijay Gupta, Sumit Chauhan, Deepak Sharma
66. |
Sensitivity Analysis of Vibration Signals for Controlled and Un-Controlled Factors for Symmetric and Asymmetric Number of Ball Supports in the Ball Bearing
Vikram V. Nagale, Dnyaneshwar Tidke, Digambar Salvi, Shashikant Zore
67. |
Security of Big Data: Challenges, Services, Mechanism, Taxonomic Modeling
Yachana, Rajbir Kaur
68. |
Manufacturing and Testing of Cantilever Beam using Magnetorheological Approach
Y. M. Khedkar
69. |
A Review on the Study of Big Data with Comparison of Various Storage and Computing Tools and their Relative Capabilities
Yogesh Kumar Gupta, Dr. C.K. Jha
70. |
Analysis of Different Techniques for Face Recognition System
Yogesh Maniktala, Durgesh Srivastava, Dr. Rajeshwar Singh
71. |
Impedance Supply Inverter for Adjustable Speed Drives
G.Uvaraj, B.Kandavel, Dr.M.Manikandan
72. |
Variable Length Error Correcting Code in Long Term Evolution
Prof. Dr. Tarik Zeyad Ismaeel, Zina Osama Dawood
73. |
Modelling the key challenges in Agile Adoption: An Indian Perspective
Jagpuneet Kaur Bajwa, Dr. Kwaljeet Singh, Dr.Neeraj Sharma
74. |
Improved Link aware Source Routing protocol for MANET
B.R. Devi, B. Komuraiah, A. Saipriya
75. |
Integrating Big Data in Cloud Environment: A Review
Richa Mathur
76. |
A Novel Approach for Text Mining and An Efficient, Effective Indexing
Ravi Chinapaga, M Bal Raju, N Subhash Chandra
77. |
Highly Optimized Encryption Technique for Auditing Cloud Data through Trusted Auditor
N. M. Sawant, V. V. Pottigar, N. S. Mane, U. D. Bagal
78. |
Design of Raspberry Pi based Home Automation through Android Application
Vaishnavi S. Gunge, Pratibha S.Yalagi
79. |
Detection and Measurement of Brain Tumor using Labview
Ankit, Sandeep Dahiya
80. |
An Effective Technique for Classification of Mammograms to Detect Breast Cancer
Aswini Kumar Mohanty, Devitosh Acharya, Amalendu Bag
81. |
Privacy Preserving Secure Classification using Multiplicative Data Perturbation at Multilevel Trust
R.Mynavathi, Dr.S.Malliga, P.Rajendran
82. |
Design and Analysis of A Camshaft using Al-Sic Composite with A Study of Latest Trends in Diesel Technologies
D Jagan, V Ganesh
83. |
Efficacy of different nodes in Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor
Anchlesh Kumar
84. |
A Review of Classification methods for ECG Signal Classification
Baljit Kaur, Dr.Sanjay Singla, Sukhdeep Singh
85. |
Congestion Prevention in Vanets using Pollination based Optimization
Sania Gupta, Amarpreet Singh
86. |
A Head To Head Analysis of Plant Leaf Disease Detection
Ramandeep Kaur, Dr.Sanjay Singla, Binu Vargis
87. |
Role of Pz Orbital in n-Doped and p-Doped Conducting Polyaniline
Anubha Vijay Pandya
88. |
Implementation Study of Analytical Hierarchy Process Based Maintenance Quality Function Deployment in an Ice Cream Manufacturing Industry
Pramod V.K, Pramod V.R
89. |
Fast Mining Approach for Automatic Recognition of Rare Raga Swaram Notes
T.V.Mahendra, G.Venugopal
90. |
A Comparative Analysis of Medicinal Plant belongs to Euphorbiaceae Family in Village Ardawata (Chirawa Tehsil) of Jhunjhunu District (Rajasthan)
Vinita, Dr. Kaushal Kumar Gautam
91. |
A High Step-up Boost Converter Integrated with Voltage Multiplier Cell
S. Ravivarman, R. Jeyabharath, P. Veena
92. |
A Preliminary Investigation of Liquid Cooling of an Electronic Chip using COMSOL
T.Shailendra Nag, Jaideep Talukdar
93. |
Performance Analysis of a Single Cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine Using Sunflower Oil as a Biodiesel Blend: An Experiment
Anusha Peyyala, Dr. N V V S Sudheer
94. |
Developing an Algorithm for Learning IR Codes from IR Remote Controller
Adabala Rajitha, M.S.S Rukmini, N. Girish
95. |
Aloe Vera Gel Mediated Green Synthesis of Ɛ-Fe2o3 Nanoparticles
Ranjana Jha, Ranjana Dagar, Nandini Sharma
96. |
Strength and Durability Characteristic of Geopolymer Concrete with Micro Silica Nano Silica and m-sand
M.Bala vinayag, M.I. Abdul aleem, P.Magudeswaran
97. |
Compersion Data For Efficiency of Different Types of Air Cleaner Assemblies
Amit Kumar Gupta, Pawan Sharma
98. |
Study of stability of the complexes and Bond strength dependency on Binding modes of ligands like NO−
Snehlata Hada
99. |
Robust Digital Image Watermarking Based On Evolutionary Optimization Technique
Pravin Kumar, Mahendra Kumar, Gaurav Kumar Sharma
100. |
A Review of Literature on Steam Coil for Air Cooled Heat Exchanger
Parag Mishra, Dr Manoj Arya
101. |
A Study of Financial Efficiency and Liquidity Position of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Special Reference to Cipla Ltd.
Sunil Kumar, Dr. Praveen Srivastava, Dr. S.K. Sinha, Dr. Ruchi Goyal
102. |
Improving the performance of the Mobile Ad hoc Networks by enhancing M-AODV
Yadhunandan Bansal, Abhilash Sharma
103. |
Opinion Mining of Tourism Review Using Hybrid Technique of Support Vector Machine and Animal Migration Optimization
Pratishtha Parashar, Sanjiv Sharma