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Antagonism Of Endophytic Fungi Of Artemisia Against Cercospora Causal Agent Of Narrow Brown Leaf Spot Of Rice
Heni Hidayati, Hadiwiyono, Ahmad Yunus
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Spectrum Sensing Analysis in Cognitive Radio Network using Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm compare with Genetic Algorithm
Harmanpreet kaur, Ashok kumargeol
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Analysis of Different Modifications in SEPIC Converter with Snubber Circuits
Kamal Singh, Kuldeep Sahay
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Two special Dio-quadruples generated through Euler Polynomials
A. Vijayasankar, Sharadha Kumar, M.A. Gopalan
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Optimization of Financial Performance of Software Companies through Response Surface Methodology in Fuzzy Environment
G. Anupama, V.V.S. Kesava Rao
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Diversified collection of novel sponge-associated actinobacteria of Ha Tien sea, Kien Giang province, Vietnam
Tran Vu Phuong, Ngo Thi Phuong Dung, Cao Ngoc Diep
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Blockchain as an IPFS (Interplanetary File System) Storage Index
Tripti Rathee, Manoj Malik
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Determination of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and glutaraldehyde in cosmetics by high-performance liquid chromatography
Suun Kim, Jeongsook Lee, Yunhee Kim, Juhyun Park, Younghee Oh
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Designing a pedagogical model of professional development for young leaders of research teams
Davydova N. N., Simonova A. A, Babich G. N, Shvetsova A.V
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Estimating Asphalt Pavement Damaged-Area from Onsite Survey and Laboratory Test Data by Neural Network Model
Tienfuan Kerh, Shu-Rong Yang, Yi-Wen Lai
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Crack initiation and propagation analysis on heavy vehicle propeller shaft
N. Appala Naidu, A. Swarna Kumari, B. Lakshmi Manasa
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Tolerance of landraces of basil (Ocimum basilicum) to water stress under Mediterranean conditions
Iakovos Kalamartzis, Parthenopi Ralli, Christos Dordas
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Prevention of microbial spoilage and shelf life extension of dairy productsusing the extracts of MoringaoleiferaLam
Dhasarathan P, Keerthika B, Naavarasi N R, A J A Ranjitsingh
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Ion Selective Electrodes For Potentiometric Determination of Promethazine In Its Pharmaceutical Dosage Form
Sanjay A.Patil, Bhata R. Chaudhari