1. |
Deployment Of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (Ecc) To Enhance Message Integrity In Wireless Body Area Network
Dr.Ahmad Alzubi, Abeer Sobkha
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IoT Application In The Mining Industry
Swapnaneel Bhuiya
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Extensive Study Of Iot In Healthcare Based On Machine Learning And Cloud
Asmita Bhowal
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Market Sample Survey Of Crocus Sativus Linn.To Assess The Genuinity
K R Athira, T V Binu, Dr.Divya.S.Balachandran
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Heapto-Somatic Index, Gonado-Somatic Index and Condition Factor of Anabas testudineus as Bio-Monitoring Tools of Nickel and Chromium Toxicity
Dina Nath Pandit, Priyanka, Moti Lal Gupta
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Secure Enroute Mechanism For Jammer Attack In Wsn
Girish Deshpande
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Angular Based Cheetah Chase Algorithm For Shortest Path Optimization (Abcca Algorithm)
M. Goudhaman, S. Sasikumar, K.Thiagarajan
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PPAS: A Privacy Preservation Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Communication Networks
Ming-Chin Chuang, Chao-Lin Chen
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CLAMP: Cross-Layer Multi-Path Transmission Mechanism for Seamless Handover over Heterogeneous Networks
Ming-Chin Chuang, Chao-Lin Chen
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A Multi-beam Directional MAC Approach for Wireless Body Area Networks
Abdul Aziz Saleh Yeslem Bin-Habtoor, Reyazur Rashid Irshad, Dr. Ibrahim M. G. Alwayle
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Data Mining and Recommendation System
Sandeep Kaur
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Performance Assessment of Water Soluble Polymer as Anti-Scaling Agent on Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
Sarika S. Pawar, Dr. I.D.Patil
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Slow Pyrolysis Of Coconut Shell To Produce Crude Oil
Dongardive S.N., Mohod A. G., Khandetod Y.P.
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Smart Convertible (Race/Stationary) Power Generating Bicycle
Ahmed M. Elkhatat, Roba M. Almuhtaseb, Saeed H. Almeer
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The Effect Of Styrofoam Waste On Compressive Strenght On Normal Concrete That Added Glenium
Natsir Abduh
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Avoidance And Control Of Vehicular Pollution
V.Subashini, Dr.Su.Suganthi, G.Valarmathi, R.Janaki
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Detection and Removal of Salt and Pepper Noise in images by Improved Median Filter
Rupinder Pal Kaur, Er. VarinderjitKaur, Dr. Naveen Dhillon