1. |
Joining Plastic Sheets byPunch Riveting
Hiroyuki Kinoshita, Koichi Kaizu, Toshifumi Yuji, YoshimiOkamura
2. |
Greening Material Consisting of a Porous Ceramic Made from Waste Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Coated with Moss
Hiroyuki Kinoshita, Yusuke Yasuda, TakefumiNakazono, KentaroYasui, Toshifumi Yuji, Yoshimi Okamura, TaichiKobayashi, Hanako Fukuyama
3. |
High-Strength Ceramics from
Waste Glass Fiber and Clay
Hiroyuki Kinoshita, ShuheiYoshizono, Toshifumi Yuji, Yoshimi Okamura, Taichi Kobayashi, Koichi Kaizu
4. |
Joining of Cold-Reduced Carbon Steel Sheet and Aluminum Sheet by Impulsive Riveting Method and Punch Riveting Method
Hiroyuki Kinoshita, Koichi Kaizu, Toshifumi Yuji, Yoshimi Okamura
5. |
How Students Construct of Flow in a Learning of Woodworking
Kimihito Takeno
6. |
Students’ Concentration on Woodworking
in Japanese Technology Education – Planning chopsticks as an introductory work of technology education
Kimihito Takeno, Hiromichi MAMORITA
7. |
Tensile Properties of Natural Bamboo Fiber
at Testing Temperature up to at 473K
Naoyuki Yamamoto, Akihiro Takahashi, Toshinobu Toyohiro
8. |
Development and Practice of the Rotating Duty System in Robot Contest Study
Satoshi FUJIKAWA, Shinichi HARADA, Shigeki ANDO
9. |
Proposal of the SIR curriculum for Enhancing Students’ Motivation to learn in Technology Education
Satoshi FUJIKAWA, Tadashi CHAKI, Shinichi HARADA, Shigeki ANDO, Takemi MIZUKAMI
10. |
Relations of Motivation to Learn and Self- Awareness of Skills for Using a Saw in Junior High School Materials and their Processing
Shinichi HARADA, Satoshi FUJIKAWA, Shigeki ANDO
11. |
Verification of Motivation to Learn and Self-Efficacy in Junior High School Learning of Production (monodukuri)
Shinichi HARADA, Satoshi FUJIKAWA, Shigeki ANDO
12. |
Development of Design Education Method Using Passive Walking Paper Robots in Elementary School
Tetsuya YAMADA, Kousuke MAEDA, Yasuhiro MATSUNAGA
13. |
Mechanical Property and Fatigue Crack in Consolidated Wood by Hot-Pressing
Toshinobu Toyohiro, Akihiro Takahashi, Naoyuki Yamamoto
14. |
Influences of Metacognitive Ability on “Information ethics” for University Students
Yasushi ICHIHARA, Kazunori SHIMADA, Tetsuya BANDO, YoichiMIYAGAWA