1. |
Occurrence of Perchlorate in Drinking, Surface, Ground and Effluent Water from Various Parts of South India
J R Anoop Raj, L Muruganandam
2. |
High Speed & High Frequency based Digital Up/Down Converter for WCDMA System
Arun Raj S.R
3. |
Solution to CEED Problem using Classical Approach of Lagrange’s and PSO Algorithms
M Balaji, G Naresh
4. |
Computing and comparing the minimum distance between two Bézier & interval Bézier curves
Megha Jain, Ashok Ganguly
5. |
Application of Taguchi Method for Optimization of Process Parameters for Wear loss of LM25/Flyash Composite
Bharat Admile, G.Kulkarni, S.A. Sonawane
6. |
Network Protocols and its Implication on Connectivity and Configuration
Gloria Chukwudebe, Emerole Kelechi
7. |
Process optimization by Placket-Burman Designs for the Production of Protease Enzyme from Bacillus Subtilis under Submerged Fermentation
S. Meera Bai, N. Ramachandran
8. |
Swindler Ingress Point Detection by Real Time Recognition of Transfer Characteristics
P. M. Dhanrao, Ketan Singh, Prajeet Sharma
9. |
Fault Diagnosis of Windmill by FFT Analyzer
Poonam Bhaskar Sonawane, Prof. N.K.Kharate
10. |
Study of Adiabatic Capillary Tube in Carbon Dioxide Refrigeration System
Jadhav Pravin, Neeraj Agrawal
11. |
Color Local Texture Features Based Face Recognition
Priyanka V. Bankar, Anjali C. Pise
12. |
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Slag Reinforced Polymer Composite
N.VK.Prasad, Y.Suresh Kumar, Prasad Kalapala
13. |
Non-linear static coupled field analysis of a piston in a four-stroke single cylinder diesel engine using ANSYS
B. Praveena, Y.Suresh Kumar, Kalapal Prasad
14. |
Design and Stress Analysis 0f Various Cross Section of Hook
G.E.V.Ratnakumar, B. Jitendra Kumar, Kalapala Prasad
15. |
Sequential Improvement of Quenching-Self-Tempering-Thermal-Treatment Rolling Process for a Modern Manufacturing System -A Case study
Atul Modi, D.A. Hindolia, Ravikant Sharma
16. |
Thermodynamic Analysis of Two-Stage Turbocharging for Diesel Engine
Shahab H. Dabir, S. S. Umale
17. |
A Study on Obstacle Avoiding Rectilinear Steiner tree Algorithms
Shyamala G, Dr. G R Prasad
18. |
Performance Study of Used Cooking Oil Bio Diesel Blends on Peugeot Engine
Kishen Karumbaiah B J, Jnanesh M, Subbaiah K S, Sujith N S
19. |
Analytical Hierarchical Process: Fundamentals and its Application
Surendra Pal, M.S. Bhadane, Dr. Chandra Babu
20. |
Compressive Strength of Fly Ash Based Cement Concrete
Syed Afzal Basha, P.Pavithra, B.Sudharshan Reddy
21. |
Review on Enhanced Fault Tolerance in WSAN with Minimal Topology Changes
Perraju P. Tetali, Prof. Garima Singh
22. |
Performance of Bethamcherla Stone Powder Concrete under Sulphate Curing
J.Ushasree, Dr.N.Venkataramana, Syed Afzal Bash
23. |
An Approach for Detection of Abnormality and its Severity Classification in Colour Fundus Images
Nandhini V, Jayadurga R, Nagarajan B
24. |
Sinusoidalisation of the Input Current In Boost Type Rectifier using Sigma-Delta Modulation Schemes
Prof. Vasantkumar K. Upadhye
25. |
Uncertainty Based Sampling Approach for Relevence Feedback in Content Based Image Retrieval
V.G Kottawar, Dr. Mrs.A.M.Rajurkar
26. |
Detected Breast Cancer on Mammographic Image Classification Using Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm
S.Julian Savari Antony
27. |
A Review on Applications of Coagulation-Flocculation and Ballast Flocculation for Water and Wastewater
Borchate S.S., Kulkarni G.S., Kore V. S., Kore S. V.
28. |
Exploring issues in Mobile Governance- a select case of Kerala m-governance plan
Dr.Manish Shrimali, Ganpat Joshi
29. |
Identification of running Vehicle using Vision Based Holistic Property of Registration Technique for Traffic Surveillance in India
Prachi Goyal, Chitvan Gupta
30. |
Mobile Commerce: Security Challenges and Technologies
Dr. Manish Shrimali
31. |
Removal of Chromium (VI) from Synthetic Solution using dead Spirulina Species
Prathima B, Praphulla Rao, Mangala
32. |
Design & Fabrication of Nanofiltration Unit:
A Review
Kiran D. Bhuyar, Kruttika A. Loharkar, Renu Solanki
33. |
Effect of Film Thickness on the Optical Properties of Las Thin Films Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis Technique
R.S. Meshram, R.M.Thombre, M. P. Tirpude
34. |
Chaos Image Encryption Using Transposition and Pixel Shuffling
Pratyaksha Ranawat, Sarika Khandelwal
35. |
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of Staphylococcus Aureus against Vancomycin
M. Suganya, K. Dharmalingam, I. Shanmuga Sundari
36. |
A Novel on understanding How IRIS Recognition works
Vijay Shinde, Prof. Prakash Tanwar
37. |
In Vitro Anti-Proliferative Potential of Leaves of Costus Igneus
Prof.S.Dhanasekaran, M.Akshaya, S.Preethi
38. |
Sniffeer Technology for Mobiles
Poonam Singla
39. |
Digital Twin and Triple Spark Ignition in Four-Stroke Internal Combustion Engines of Two-Wheelers
G.V.N.B.Prabhkar, B.Kiran Babu, K.Durga Prasad
40. |
Functional Encryption Algorithm for Communication in Cloud Computing based on Attribute Based Encryption (ABE)
Rajnish Choubey, Dr. Santosh K. Gandhi
41. |
Grey Relational Analysis of Thin Wall Ductile Iron Casting
Bharat Ashok Tare, Vasudev D.Shinde
42. |
Monitoring and Scheduling the Job in Heterogeneous system Using Hybrid Algorithm
K.Amsavalli, N.Rajkumar, K.Kishore Kumar, N.K.Senthil Kumar
43. |
A study on engineering properties of textile ETP sludge based cement concrete
Sandesh N U, Varun K, Prashanth V P
44. |
Gene Cloning, Protein Expression and FPLC Purification of Lec A from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in E.Coli
M.Suganya, K.I.J .Melani Jerine, E.Swarnambigai, R Karpagam
45. |
Effect of Process Parameters on Adsorption of Methylene Blue from Synthetic Effluent Using Jack Fruit Seed Powder
Anoop Raj J R, Anil K Das, Aishwarya B S, Sruthi Suresh
46. |
Mobile Commerce: The New Era of Shopping
Mitesh Pravinchandra Mandaliya
47. |
A Novel Secure Video Watermarking Scheme
using DWT & Random Frame Selection
Pavneet K Athwal, Ranpreet Kaur, Anuj K Gupta
48. |
A Review of Image Stegnography Methods
Using Wavelet and Neural Networks
Anupriya Sohal, Dr. Lalita Bhutani
49. |
Optimization of die-casting process parameters to identify optimized level for cycle time using Taguchi method
Mahesh N Adke, Shrikant V Karanjkar
50. |
Image Watermarking In DCT, DWT and Their
Hybridization Using SVD: A Survey
Ramandeep Kaur, Harpal Singh
51. |
Inventory Optimization by Fuzzy Logic for Deteriorating Items in sea food exports companies with Shortages under Fully Backlogged Conditions
B.Venkatanarayana, G.Vinay