1. |
Conditional Privacy Preserving Security Protocol for NFC Applications
Nithyanand Singh, Avijit Maity, Rajesha N
2. |
A Review of Hydronic Balancing of Cooling Water Circuit
Abhilash Shetty, Deepak Pandey, Arvind Iyer
3. |
Isolation and identification of actinomycetes strains from oil refinery contaminated soil, Basrah-Iraq
Ahmed A. Burghal, Kuther H. Mahdi, Nadia A. Al-Mudaffar
4. |
Design and Development of Algorithm for Software Components Retrieval Using Clustering and Support Vector Machine
Amarjeet Kaur, Iqbaldeep Kaur
5. |
Seismic Retrofitting of an Existing Structure
Amritha Ranganadhan, Anju Paul
6. |
Quality Assessment for Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil by Using Lime
Amruta A. Badge, Lobhesh N.Muley, Kunal R.Raul
7. |
A Formal Study of Video Segmentation
Ananya SenGupta
8. |
Phishing Information Identification using SVM Algorithm
A. P. Deore, J. S. Kharat
9. |
An Analysis of Cloud Computing and its Security Issues
Anuj Garg, Dr. Deepti Sharma
10. |
Influential Factors Affecting Labour Productivity in Concreting of Columns
Aparna. B, Linu.T Kuriakose
11. |
Behavior of RCC In-filled Buildings with Different Configurations of Plan Under Seismic Force
A. U. Salunkhe, Dr. S. B. Kadam, Dr. S. N. Tande
12. |
Improvement of Power Quality by using Active Filter based on Vectorial Power Theory Control Strategy on the MATLAB-Simulink Platform
Metkari Archana Subhash, Prof.S.H.Pawar
13. |
Study on Implementation of Lean Production System in Inner Tube Manufacturing Industry – A Case Study
D.Arunkumar, Dr. V.Ramesh
14. |
Heuristic Approach for Recommending Research Articles Using Collaborative Tagging
Atul Kumar, Sumit Kaur, Amritpal Singh
15. |
Digital Controlled High Power Synchronous Boost Converter based MPPT Charge Controller for SPV System
Ch.Venkateswra Rao, S.S.Tulasiram, B.Brahmaiah
16. |
Effective Battery Management in FPGA based DC SPV System through Closed Loop Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter for Energy Storage
Ch.Venkateswra Rao, S.S.Tulasiram, B.Brahmaiah
17. |
A Survey of Text Mining Concepts
Dr. G. Rasitha Banu, VK Chitra
18. |
Paper Survey of Different Energy Efficient Schemes in Wireless Ad hoc Network
Dharmendra Kumar Singh, Navneet Kour
19. |
A Comparative taxonomy on Routing Protocols of VANET
Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Vijay Laxmi, Dr. Pankaj Kumar Sehgal
20. |
Theory of Generalized Backward Difference Operator and its Applications in Numerical Methods
V.Chandrasekar, G.Nathiya
21. |
Comparative studies of OHE mast used in Indian Railways
Gargi Danda De, Mohan Gupta
22. |
Content Based Recommender System for Map Routing
Gurbinder Kaur, Vijay Kumar, Amritpal Singh
23. |
Analysis and Design of Hybrid Online Movie Recommender System
Harpreet Kaur Virk, Er.Maninder Singh, Er. Amritpal Singh
24. |
Survey of Algorithm for Software Components Reusability Using Clustering and Neural Network
Indu Verma, Iqbaldeep kaur
25. |
Tensile & Fracture Behavior of Al-Si Cp Metal Matrix Composites
Jushkumar Siddani, Dr. C. Srinvas
26. |
Construction of Blanket and Subgrade for Railway with Sand- Moorum- Natural Fiber Mixed Composites
Joyanta Maity, B.C.Chattopadhyay
27. |
Experimental Analysis of Epoxy- Glass Fiber Composite Leaf Spring for Natural Frequency of Leaf Spring to Reduce the Vibration
Jeevan Herekar, Kishor Ghatage, Narayanrao Hargude
28. |
Implementation of FPGA based Hybrid Adder to Design Fused Add Multiply Operator using Modified Booth Recoder
Dr.B.Gopi, G.Kohila
29. |
Risk Analysis in Banking Industry
Koushik Karmakar
30. |
Development of Cow Urine based Polyherbal Hair Conditioner and Evaluation of Antidandruff Activity
Chhangani, J.A., Tiwari, S.G., Rai M.M., Bafana A., Kannan Krishnamurthi
31. |
Development, Standardization and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Herbal Tooth Powder Fortified with Cow Ghee
Tiwari, S.G., Chhangani, J.A, Padole S., BafanaA., Kannan Krishnamurthi
32. |
Development of Modified Polybius Technique for Data Security
Puneet Kumar, Dr. Shashi B. Rana
33. |
Biometric Attendance Recording and Communication System
Mahesh P Potadar, Vaibhav V Marathe, Akshay S Khose, Lokesh A Kotkar
34. |
A Study of Biometrics Technology Methods and Their Applications- A Review
Manasi G. Vaidya
35. |
Experimental Investigation of a 4 Stroke CI Engine Using Coconut Biodiesel and Its Blends
Shalini Manchikatla, Santhosh Gugulothu, Swetha.V
36. |
Intelligent Traffic Congestion Control in Vanet
Prof. M.M.Gudadhe, Neha Priyadarshini, Pratiksha kandpal, Apeksha Tiwari
37. |
Mapping of Water Scarce Zones of Osmanabad District by Analysis of Groundwater Levels and Rainfall
Mustaq Ahmad Jabir Shaikh, Farjana Sikandar Birajdar
38. |
Parametric Analysis of Zone Routing Protocol on the basis of Mobility
Nafiza Mann, Abhilash Sharma, Anuj K. Gupta
39. |
Erosion Resistant Coatings A Review
R.Prabu, J Dineshkumar
40. |
One Pot Synthesis of 1, 4 Dihydropyridine Derivatives by IR Irradiation
Preeti Bansal, Gajanand Sharma
41. |
High Performance 128 Bits Multiplexer Based MBE Multiplier for Signed-Unsigned Number Operating at 1GHz
Ravindra P Rajput, M N Shanmukkha Swamy
42. |
Iron Activated Persulphate based Advanced Oxidation and Mineralization of an azo dye
Resma B Vijay
43. |
Classification of MANET: A Review
Smita Das, Anuja Sarkar
44. |
Fenton Process-A Pre Treatment Option for Hospital Waste Water
45. |
Characteristics Investigation of Squeeze Film Damper using Triangular Element
B. Venkata Narayana, Dr. V Diwakar Reddy, Dr. G. Krishnaiah
46. |
Secured Double Layer Data Hiding Using Encryption and Decryption Techniques
H.MaheshKumar, M.Vignesh
47. |
Behavior Analysis of Aluminium Alloy with Reinforced Silicon Carbide Particles
Vijayakumar S S, Annamalai P, Thiyagarajan E
48. |
Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Cement with Egg Shell Powder
Praveen Kumar R, Vijaya Sarathy.R, Jose Ravindraraj.B
49. |
Simulative Analysis of AODVv2-02 Routing Protocol Using OMNET++
Vikram Rao, Dr. Anuj Kumar Gupta
50. |
Nanofluid : A Tool to Increase the Efficiency of Solar Collector
Barot Vishalkumar G, K.D Panchal
51. |
4D Modeling of Multi Storied Building using GIS
M R Vishnu, Alester Joseph Vanreyk
52. |
Non Contact Surface Finish Monitoring of Machined Surface using Vision System
K.I .V.Vandana, M. Rajya Lakshmi
53. |
Measurement of Program Outcomes Attainment for Engineering Graduates by using Neural Networks
Therese Yamuna Mahesh, Dr. K.L. Shunmuganathan
54. |
ITS Malisious Packet Loss
Yuvarani N
55. |
Performance Analysis of 32 × 10 Gb/s DWDM Optical System using YDFA for Different Channels Spacing
Mandeep Kour, Anu Sheetal, S.B. Rana
56. |
Comparison of Advance Data Modulation Formats in 4×10Gbps WDM Optical Communication System using YDFA, EDFA and Raman Amplifier
Simranjeet Singh, Anu Sheetal
57. |
Coherent Optical OFDM System or Long-Haul Transmission
Simarjit Singh Saini, Anu Sheetal, Harjit Singh
58. |
Accountability of WMNs using BEB Algorithm
Shafi Jasuja, Parminder Singh
59. |
Detecting Multiple Selfish Attack Nodes Using Replica Allocation in Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks
Kiruthiga S, Leeban Moses M
60. |
A Survey of Copy-Move Forgery Detection Techniques for Digital Images
Rani Susan Oommen, Jayamohan M., Sruthy S.
61. |
Studies on Machining Parameters of Cast Aluminium Alloys
S.Senthilraja, R.Chinnadurai, J.Satheeshkumar
62. |
Using Application of Dezert- Smarandache Theory on a new framework for protecting MANET
Ekata Gupta, Prof. (Dr.) Azad K. Shrivastava, Dr.S.K.Saxena
63. |
An Evaluation of Effectiveness of E-banking in India
Dr Sanjay Singla, Dr. Partap Singh
64. |
Work Stress among College Teachers in Self-financing College: An Explorative Study
Dr. Partap Singh, Sangeeta Rani
65. |
Data Mining System, Functionalities and Applications: A Radical Review
Dr. Poonam Chaudhary
66. |
Novel Meta-Heuristic Algorithmic Approach for Software Cost Estimation
Ruchi Puri, Iqbaldeep kaur