1. |
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Radiative Heat Loading on Hyper Velocity Re-Entry Vehicles
2. |
Design and Fabrication of Three Way Trolley Mechanism
Prof. Akshay Pachpore, Ajinkya Gharote, Virendra Paulzagade
3. |
Comparative Study of PAPR Reduction Coding Techniques
Amritpal Singh, Harjit Singh, Gurpreet Singh
4. |
Study of Bug Prediction Approaches
Anu Singla, Vijay Kumar
5. |
Design and Analysis of Industrial Safety Helmet using Natural Fibers
Rajasekar.K, Ashokkumar.K, Narayanan.L
6. |
Enhancement of Power System Stability Using Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC)
Pooja Rani, Mamta Singh, Atma Ram
7. |
Comparative Analysis of Frontal Car Bumper During Impact
Bhavesh A. Bohra, Prof. Dushyant B. Pawar, Prof. Sharad P. Bargat
8. |
Soil Stabilization by Groundnut Shell Ash and Waste Fiber Material
T. Murali Krishna, Sd. Shekun Beebi
9. |
Forensic Investigation of User Activities on Windows7 & Ubuntu12 Operating System
Dinesh N. Patil, B.B.Meshram
10. |
Simulation of Transesterification Reactive Distillation with Total Thermal Coupling
Dnyaneshwar D. Awachar, Sanjay P. Shirsat, Nikhil V. Sancheti
11. |
A Study on Transient Behaviour of A RCC Floor Slab
G.Gajalakshmi, Dr. J. Abbas Mohaideen, Prof. A.R. Santhakumar
12. |
Identification of Security Challenges and Security Issues in Social Oriented Architecture
Ami Shaileshkumar Desai, Dr. Sanjay Buch
13. |
Behaviours of Randomly Distributed Natural Fiber Reinforced Clay
Joyanta Maity
14. |
Prediction of CBR Value on Gangetic Alluvial Soil
Joyanta Maity, Dr. B.C.Chattopadhyay
15. |
Forging Simulation for Connecting Rod using AFDEX
Mahesh M P, Bharath S Kodli
16. |
Viability Analysis of Solar thermal power plant using combined cycle system and Parabolic trough collector Technology for Chhattisgarh State
Manish RK Sahu
17. |
No Ball Detection
Mohanlal S Malu, Kailas G Dangi
18. |
Quality Determination and Bio-mapping of River Tamirabarani Emphasizing on Physicochemical and Biological aspects
K.Mophin-Kani, A.G.Murugesan
19. |
Study of secure steganography method based on image compression
Neha Shekhawat, Kiran Siwach, Sonia Rana
20. |
Experimental Investigations and comparison of Heat Pipes
B.Ch.Nookaraju, P S V Kurma Rao, S Naga Sarada, T.Saikiran
21. |
A Code Generator to translate Three-Address intermediate code to MIPS assembly code
Pandaba Pradhan
22. |
Turán – Type Inequalities for the Central Moments of Some Continuous Probability Distributions via the Cauchy-Bunyakovsky-Schwarz Inequality
Piyush Kumar Bhandari, S. K. Bissu
23. |
Distribution System Reliability: An Overview
P. M. Sonwane, B. E. Kushare
24. |
Study on Shape Memory Polymers and their Applications
R. B. Barjibhe, Dr. Bimlesh Kumar
25. |
Enhanced Prevention Model for Instant Detection of Malicious Transactions in Database Systems
Sangita Yadav, Monika Saini, Mamta Yadav
26. |
Algorithm of Segmentation on an Image and Analysis of Energy and Entropy Values by Applying Different Class of Filter
Preeti Nautiyal, Saloni Nautiyal, Sharat Chandra Bharadwaj
27. |
A Hybrid Filtering Techniques for Noise Removal in Color Images
Monika Saini, Sangita Yadav, Sharvan Rewri
28. |
Hybrid Algorithm Implemented on an Image to Achieve Gaussian Matched Histogram, Desired PDF using Histogram Shifting Technique with EME
Saloni Nautiyal, Preeti Nautiyal, Sharat Chandra Bhardwaj
29. |
Relative Comparison of Geometrical Shapes for Cutouts
K. Anusha Reddy, Ravi Katukam
30. |
Watermark based Substitution technique Hill Cipher applied on Images
L. Ravi Kumar, P.Ravi Prakash, G.Venu Gopal, D. Leela Dharani, Dr.B.V.Subba Rao
31. |
An improve SJF Scheduling algorithm to Reduce Starvation under Multiprocessor Environment
Robin Verma, Kiran Siwach, Sonia Rana
32. |
Fractal Antenna for Multiband Applications
Abhishek Kulshrestha, Bhagwat Khakde
33. |
Optimization of Secondary User Capacity in Dual Threshold Scheme in Cognitive Radio Using Evolutionary Algorithm
Wasim Arif, Sanjoy Debnath, Dr Srimanta Baishya
34. |
Evaluation of Material Handling System by Using Multi-Attributes Decision Approach –A Case Study
Er. Sarabjit singh
35. |
Common Fixed Point and Quasi Contraction Ingeneralised Metric Space of Finite Order υ
Shishir Jain, Shobha Jain
36. |
Lean Manufacturing in Carriage Building Press Shop using by SMED and VSM tools
M.Sivakumar, T.Balasubramani, M.Claret Stany
37. |
Route Optimization in WSN for Efficient Data Collection using AODV
Parveen Kumar, Er.Sonia Rani, Kiran Siwach
38. |
Routing Protocols Performance Analysis for Vanet
Reena Kumari, Er.Sonia Rani, Kiran Siwach
39. |
Analysis of RCC Beams using ABAQUS
T. Tejaswini, Dr.M.V.Rama Raju
40. |
Preparation and Investigation of Cu-Co-Al2O3 Nanocrystalline Metal Matrix Composites
R.Venkatesh, S.Kumaraguru, Sunil Biswas
41. |
Correlation of Plasticity Index and Compression Index of Soil
Vikas Kumar Jain, Mahabir Dixit, Dr. R. Chitra
42. |
RFID based System for Prevention of Material Mix-up at Various Stages in
Metal-Injection-Molding Process
Prof. Vinayak V. Kulkarni
43. |
Simulation of Butyl Acetate and Methanol Production by Transesterification Reaction via Conventional Distillation Process
Nikhil V. Sancheti, Sanjay P. Shirsat, Dnyaneshwar D. Awachar
44. |
An Improved Approach to Track Maximum Power Point for PV cell
Satish Kumar Jangid, Varsha Verma
45. |
Isolation and Identification of Nitrate Reducing Bacteria from Produced Water of Oil Fields in Iraq
Wijdan H. Al-Tamimi, Kuther H. Mahdi
46. |
A Study on Storm Water Drainage System of Annanagara and Ashokanagara of Shimoga City Karnataka India
Veena D Savanth, A V Shivapur, Arun Kumar G S
47. |
Numerical Investigation on the Flowseparation Control of S809 Airfoil with Slot
K Sarath Kumar, Dr. C. Bhaskar Reddy, M.Sivaramakrishnaiah
48. |
Survey: Study on Authentication used in Internet Cryptography
Peter Sequeira, Swati Verma
49. |
Numerical Analysis of Wings for UAV based on High-Lift Airfoils
Sachin Srivastava, Swetha Bala Gurram
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Comprehensive Review Paper on Resource Reusability and Utilization
Iqbaldeep Kaur, Rajvir Kaur
51. |
Change of Acoustic Emission Signals in Damaged Wind Turbine Blades
Tsugio Hamada, Hiroyuki Matsushita
52. |
User Authentication in Cloud Computing- Using Seed Chain Based One Time Password (OTP)
Debayan Bhattacharya
53. |
Enhanced Technique for Realistic Rain Rendering
Khushbu Sharma, Dr. Maitrayee Dutta
54. |
Effect of Traffic generators on routing protocols over Wireless Ad hoc Network
Lalita Rani, Kusum Agroiya
55. |
Software Testing: Affirming Software Quality
Dr. Poonam Chaudhary, Seema Sangwan
56. |
Effect of epoxy modifiers (Al2O3/SiC/TiO2) on the Tensile Strength of epoxy/glass fibre hybrid composites
Aditi Kaul Shah, Sandeep K. Sodhi