1. |
High Speed Reliable Multiplier Design with Adaptive Hold Logic
A.Rishita, K.Penchalaiah, T.Pratap
2. |
Design of Delay Efficient Hybrid Variable Latency Carry Skip Adder
C.V.P.Supradeepthi, T.Pratap, K.Penchalaiah
3. |
A Novel Architecture of SRAM-Cell Based Input Vector Monitoring Concurrent BIST Architecture
Ch.Junti, G.Jalalu, K.Murali
4. |
Design and Analysis of Shift Register using Pulsed Latches with Reduced Power and Area
Ch.Jyothsna, M.Swarna Lakshmi, M.Muralidhar
5. |
Implementation of Reverse Converter Design by Using Reversible Logic Gates in Hybrid Parallel Prefix Adders
M. V. K. Karthik, Dr. K. S. Sagar Reddy
6. |
Design of 16/17 Dual Modulus Pre-Scaler by Using TSPC D-Flip-flop and GDI Technique
N. Ramana Gopal, P. Sravan Kumar Reddy
7. |
Correct and Approximate Algorithms for the channel outline Optimization issue
Praveen kumar. P, Sindhuri .P, Syed Athika Sultana
8. |
A Novel Design and Implementation of Reversible Adder cum Subtractor
M.Sarada, M. Muralidhar
9. |
A Novel Architecture of Multiple Constant Multiplication for Efficient FIR Filter Implementation by Using Bit Level Optimization of Adder Trees
Ume Salma S., Syed Athika Sultana, SK Sabiha Begum
10. |
Design of Ultra Low Power TMDS Encoder using QCA (Quantum Cellular Automata) for Nanoscale Communications
Skandha Deepsita S., Muralidhar M., Bharath Varma N.
11. |
Design of Efficient Han-Carlson-Adder
S. Sri Katyayani, Dr.M.Chandramohan Reddy, Murali.K
12. |
Testing and Power Optimization with Programmable PRPG Technique
T. Vinod Kumar, SK. Sabiha Begum, P. Sindhuri
13. |
Design of 8-bit Wallace Tree Multiplierusing Approximate Compressor
T.Swathi, J.Sunil Kumar, Dr. K.S Sagar Reddy
14. |
Design of High Speed Area Efficient IEEE754 Floating Point Multiplier
Mownika V., Girish Gandhi S., Leela Mohan C.
15. |
Design of Delay Efficient PASTA by Using Repetition Process
V.Sai Jaswana, K. Murali
16. |
Performance Evaluation of Parallel Multipliers for High Speed MAC Design
Thirumala Rao V., Girish Gandhi S., Leela Mohan C.
17. |
Physical Network Coding for OFDM in Two-Way Receiving Communications
G.Surendra, D.Sreelakshmi
18. |
Performance and Analysis of PEGASIS Protocol for High Speed Networks
H.K.Guna sekhar, K.Murali, P.Sravan Reddy
19. |
A Joint RDH and Lossless Secure Image and Text Transmission using Public key Cryptosystems
M.Jhansi Rani, Sk.Shaguftha, K.Murali
20. |
Dynamically Assigned Channel for Wireless Sensor Network: A Regret Matching Based Approach
P. Sukumar, M. Praveen Kumar
21. |
Splicing Forgery Detection JPEG Compression through Quantization Noise Analysis
Pasala.Swathi, C .Leela Mohan, S. Girish Gandhi
22. |
Suppression of Synchronization Errors in OFDM Based Carrier Aggregation Systems
P.Harith Kumar, G.Sindhura Bhargavi
23. |
ColorĀ Opponent Mechanism For Boundary Detection
S.Amulya, C. Leela Mohan, S. Girish Gandhi
24. |
Index Color Image Retrieval Using Error Diffusion Block Truncation Coding Features
S.Sai Sushma, D.Sreelakshmi
25. |
Video Deinterlacing by Graphic based Visual Saliency
Vayugundla Preethi, Dr. K.S Sagar Reddy, J.Sunil Kumar
26. |
Privacy Information Protection of Video Streams based on Codeword Substitution
Yeluru Rajitha, M. Praveen Kumar
27. |
Image Encryption and Compression Using Some Auxiliary Information
R. Ramesh, J.Sunil Kumar
28. |
Coronary Artery Disease Identification Using Acoustic Features Based on QDA
M.Nagendra Babu, Ch.Padmavathi, Y.Neeraja
29. |
Extremely Low-light Video Denoising and Enhancement with Tone mapping and Filters
P.Manju, SK.MD.Hussain Basha, Y.Neeraja
30. |
Interference Reduction using DCI in Multiuser MIMO Channels
K.Susmitha, B.Malakonda Reddy, Y.Neeraja
31. |
Heart Rate Monitoring Using NI MyDAQ
G.Jalalu, K. Murali