1. |
Study of Plate Cheravon Heat Exchangers by CFD Analysis
P.N.V.Kalika Devi, Tadala Akhil, K.Srinu
2. |
Effect of T6 heat treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical properties of A356.2 alloy reinforced with RHA composites
Abdul Khurshid, Tadala Akhil, Sheik Gulam Tajuddin, Pramodh Kumar
3. |
Corrosion behavior of A4032 in Citric acid and Nitric acid Medium
Tadala Akhil, Abdul Khurshid, K.Manikanta
4. |
Design and CFD (Conjugated Fluid Dynamics) Analysis on Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger for Reduction of Temperature of Turbinol XT32
Tadala Akhil, Abdul Khurshid, P.Prasanth Kumar
5. |
Retempering of Morter
Prof. A.R. Pethkar, A.V.Katta, V.A.Samal
6. |
Construction Techniques for Retrofitting by Jacketing of RCC Member
Ankit M.Mungale, Dr. Deepa A. Joshi
7. |
Application of Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST) – A Case Study
Anuja Pandey, Dr. V.S. Deshpande, Santosh Gunjar
8. |
The NIOSH Lifting Equation for Manual Lifting: A Literature Review
Anukriti Sahni, Dr. R.B. Shahu
9. |
A Survey of Accelerated PSO Swarm Search Feature Selection for Data Stream Mining Big Data
Bhagyashree Bhoyar, Pramod Patil, Priyanka Abhang
10. |
Critical Analysis of Profit using Fuzzy based Model in Manufacturing Unit
Dr Bharat Chede, Aparna Chede
11. |
A Study on Performance of Concrete Containing Marble Powder and Quarry Dust
Dr. B. Krishna Rao
12. |
An Efficient Approach for Ranking of Citations Using Graph Based Model
Deepti Kapila, Prof. Charanjit Singh
13. |
Evaluation of Compression Behavior of Aluminum Alloy (AA2219)
Dr. S. Devaki Rani, K. Srinivasa Rao
14. |
Failure Analysis & Redesign of Boom under Static Analysis for Mining Machines
Gajendra patil, Prof. A. V. Patil, Prof. R. B. Barjibhe
15. |
Utilization of Colocasia as Substrate for Cellulase Production
Gayatree Jadeja, Dhwanika Patel, Apurva Goswami
16. |
Linear Assembly in ATPG: Application in Fast SCAN – BIST VLSI Circuits
G. Naveen Balaji, D.Rajesh
17. |
Review Paper on Hypersonic Air-Intakes
Sandeep J, Dr G Balu, A G Sarwadae
18. |
Experimental Study on the Effect of Certain Repair Materials Applied to Concrete Beams
S.Kalaiselvi, S.Prabhakaran
19. |
An Investigation on Burn Wound Healing in Rats with Chitosan gel Formulation containing Plant Enzymes
M. C. Gunde, N.D.Amnerkar
20. |
Data Privacy Preservation Using K-Anonymization with Clustering Technique
A. Malaisamy, Dr. G. M. Kadhar Nawaz
21. |
Contamination of Ground Water Layers in Bhanpur Bhopal (MP) due to Improper Solid Waste Disposal
Dr. Manisha sonel, Dr. Meena Mourya
22. |
Analysis of Piston Failure-A Review
Nachiket Kulkarni, Prof. Gaurav Chaure
23. |
Investigation on the Enhancement of Flexural Behaviour of Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Beams
J. Narmadha, Prof. R.S. Gandhimathi, Dr. V. Rajkumar
24. |
Ageing Performance on Mineral Oil Using ZnO Nanofluids
Navadeep Ranjan, R.T.Arun Ram Prasath, Nirmal Kumar Roy
25. |
Comparative Analysis of Queue Scheduling Policies
Palak Batra, Amit Nagpal
26. |
Conversion of Waste Plastic into a Resource
Dr. H. H. Shinde, P. S. Sewalikar (Shindikar)
27. |
Computation of C-D Nozzle flow using Finite Element Method
Y. Phani Chandra, V. Sai Manasa, K. Chanti, N. Spadana, P. Phani Prasanthi
28. |
Review on Decision Tree for Data Stream Classification
Priyanka Abhang, Dr. Pramod Patil, Bhagyashree Bhoyar
29. |
Comparative Study on Different Materials for Connecting Rod
Ashish Somani, Prof. Gaurav Chaure
30. |
3D Printing Methods and Potential Applications
S.Kavitha, V.Karpagam, K.M.Manu, T.S.Srinivasan
31. |
Comparative Study of Hydrogen, Biodiesel, CNG & Mixture of Hydrogen & Natural Gas as Fuels in Internal Combustion Engine
Puneet V Gore, Gaurav Chaure
32. |
Weighted Clustering Algorithm based on O-Leach (WC-OLEACH) in Wireless Sensor Network
Amarpreet Singh, Ramandeep Kaur
33. |
Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Fibres in M25 Grade Concrete
Revathi.S, Gandhimathi.R.S, Saranya.S
34. |
Analysis of Anthropometric Dimensions for Sitting Posture and Chair Design: A Review
Rizwan M. Farooqui, Dr. R. B. Shahu
35. |
Visualization of Software Code Clones-A Review
Sandeep Bal, Sumesh Sood
36. |
Accumulative roll bonding of the Mg-Al alloy
Sanjeev Sharma, Surendra Kumar
37. |
Review on Structural Behavior of RC Wall with and without Openings
Sanjivan Mahadik, S. R . Bhagat
38. |
Mitigating Channel Allocation Problem using Dynamic Channel Assignment for Wireless Sensor Networks
R.Shanmathi, N.Savitha, R.Naveen, K.Vijaya
39. |
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Based Murmur Recognition
Sheena Christabel Pravin, Narayani S, Prashanth P
40. |
Experimental Analysis of Failure of Drive Shafts
Shubham Basu, Prof. Gaurav Chaure
41. |
Experimental study on Strength of Concrete made with Fresh and Debris Brick Bats
T.Sravani, Dr. B. Madhusudana Reddy
42. |
A Lab Scale Study on Anaerobic Digestion for Analyzing Energy Generation using Vegetable Waste
Dr.Y.Sreeramulu, T.Naresh Kumar, Naresh, Chaithanya
43. |
An Ultra Low Power Self Timed Design Approach with Multi Threshold Variations: MTNCL+
J.Sudhakar, A. Mallikarjuna Prasad, Ajit Kumar Panda
44. |
Effect on Material Removal Rate (MRR) Of Hot Work Steel AISI H11 Material during Grinding With Silicon Carbide Wheel under Different Environmental Condition Using Taguchi Method
Sunil Kumar, Dr. Sanjeev Saini, Dr. Balkar Singh
45. |
Dimensionality Reduction in Big Data using Unsupervised Learning An Overview
K Swanthana, K Swapnika, Dr Y VijayaLatha
46. |
Disjoint Community Detection Algorithms in Social Media: An Overview
K Swapnika, K Swanthana, Dr Y VijayaLatha
47. |
An Approach to Implement Data Mining in Service Oriented Methodology towards Amelioration of Society
Tamasree Biswas, Mousumi Saha, Soumya Bhattacharyya
48. |
Effect of Fluorine on Decrease of Synthesis Temperature in Binary Superconductors
Tsugio Hamada, Yuki Sakamoto, Hideki Noji
49. |
Computation on User-Side of PMSE using Preferences
Ujvala Patil, N.Y. Suryawanshi
50. |
The Preparation of Al- SiC Metal Matrix Composite and Evaluation of its Properties
R.Venkatesh, Dr.Vaddi Seshagiri Rao
51. |
Casting Weight Optimization
Vinayak Kamlakar Shete, Dr. Vishwas. S. Deshpande
52. |
Study of Strength Characteristics of Fly Ash Aggregates in Light Weight Concrete
S.Viveka, R.Renuka
53. |
Structural Phase Stability of SrO and CaO at high Pressure and high Temperature
Atul Gour, Shilpa Kapoor, Sadhna Singh
54. |
Free Vibration Analysis of FGM Plates
Manoj Kumar Solanki, Rahul Kumar, Jeeoot Singh
55. |
Dynamic Voltage Stability Enhancement using Microgrid Voltage Stabililzer
Golagana Santosh, I. Murali Krishna, P. Sailesh Babu
56. |
Study on Engineered Cementitious Composites with Different Fibres: A Critical Review
B. D. Gohil, Dr. K.B.Parikh
57. |
Content Based Classification of Ethiopian Traditional Dance Videos Using Optical Flow and Histogram of Oriented Gradient
Dr. KarpagaSelvi Subramanian, AndargieMekonnen
58. |
Stabilization Technique for local soils using Fly-Ash, Gypsum and Chemical additives in Rural housing and Infrastructure
Dr N Srinivasa Reddy, Sona Adeep
59. |
Unique Data Model (UDM) for Data Warehouse: Characteristics, Benefits and Limitations
Monika Rathore, Dr. Vijay Singh Rathore, Dr. Ripu Ranjan Sinha
60. |
Investigation on Optimization of Wear Properties on Aluminum Hybrid Metal Matrix using Taguchi Method
N. Rajesh Prabha, Dr. Edwin Raja Dhas, Visakh S
61. |
Accident Avoidance for High Speed Railways using Robotics and Wireless Communications
S.Anusha, S.Sharmiladevi, R.Hemalatha
62. |
Premature Infant Apnea Detector And Recovery Stimulator [PIADARS]
R.Suganya, K.Malar
63. |
Prevention of Insider Attacks by Integrating Behavior Analysis with Modified Risk based Access Control Model to Protect Cloud
Simranjeet Kaur, Prof. Meenakshi Sharma, Sukhbeer Singh
64. |
An Algorithm to Find Accurate Domination Number of a Graph
Jaishri B. Veeragoudar, Vijaylaxmi Patil
65. |
Load Balancing of Virtual Machine Resources in Cloud Using Modified Genetic Algorithm
Damandeep Kaur, Meenakshi Sharma, Sukhbeer Singh
66. |
Hierarchical Packet Forward Using Cluster Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
M.Shanthalakshmi, S.Sundari
67. |
Study of H-H Model by using MOSFET
Taslima Ahmed, Anuj Kumar, HimanshuChauhan
68. |
Rank- based Weighted Association Rule Mining from Gene Expression and Methylation Data
Dr.Mohanraj.E, Sangavi.A, Sudhapriya.L, Suganya.S
69. |
A Review on Big Data: Recommendation Systems
Prarthana Rao H M, Sathyanarayana S
70. |
Determination of Concrete Compressive Strength from Non Destructive Test Results using Artificial Neural Network
D.Elamathi, Dr.R.Malathy
71. |
Design and Development of Passive Damper
Pratap Mogal
72. |
Study of Industry’s Perception towards Commerce Education in India
Dr. Pratap Singh, Sangeeta Rani, Dr. Sanjay Singla
73. |
Evaluation of Efficiency and Effectiveness of Silver as Investment
Dr. Pratap Singh, Dr. Sanjay Singla
74. |
Design and Analysis of Composite Drive Shaft for Automotives
G.Suresh, S.Bharanikumar
75. |
Home Made Air Conditioning Unit
Sk.H.Sharief, Tadala Akhil, Abdul Khurshid
76. |
Evaluating Seize Time of Journal Bearings by Thermal Induced Stresses
M.Lakshmi Sramika, P.N.V.Kalika Devi, K.Sampath Kumar
77. |
Secure Network Authentication Based on Biometric National Identification Number
Dr. Mahmood K. Ibrahem, Muntasser S. Falih
78. |
Synchronous FIFO Buffer Model Design for Network on Chip
Shilpa Kodgire, Dr. U.D. Shiurkar
79. |
Important Radionuclide to be considered for Environmental Impact Assessment
Ved Prakash Singh, Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Sinha, Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh, Vikash Kumar Sinha
80. |
Experimental Analysis of A Standard 3 Phase Induction Motor with A New Proposed Winding Enhancing Switchable Number of Poles
81. |
Analysis and Modeling of Global Solar Radiation for Kodaikanal TamilNadu, India
S. Ravichandran, J. David Rathnaraj
82. |
An Improved Model of Relevance Feature Discovery for Text Classification
M.H.Abuthakeer, E.Sowmiya, S.Padmavathi
83. |
A Survey Paper on Dynamic Query Forms for A Database Queries
Prof. Swati Nikam, Ankita Shaha, Nikita Khurpe, Shivani Aher
84. |
The fluctuations in concentrations, origins and sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water (dissolved and particulate fractions) of the Shatt al Arab River and its branches/Basra-Iraq
Sheimaa A. Abdullatif, Firas M.Al-Khatib, Abdulhussain Al-Adhub
85. |
Design & Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna at 9 GHz
Vibhuti Thapliyal, Praveen Kumar Sharma, R K Thapliyal
86. |
Performance Evaluation of AODV and DSDV using NS-3
Amandeep Kaur, Anuj Kumar Gupta