1. |
Implementation of Location Encryption Algorithm for Data Flow in Database Systems Ensuring Enhanced Security Management
Soupayan Datta, Soumya Kanta Dey, Sudipta Sahana
2. |
Study of Effective Positioning System of Shear walls in RC Buildings using Pushover Analysis
Aashish Daga, Dr. A.S. Santhi, Dr. G Mohan Ganesh
3. |
VLSI Interconnect Delay and Crosstalk Models – A Review
Aayushi Sharma, Dhriti Duggal
4. |
Comparative Thermal Analysis of Steel Built-up Columns
Aditya Singh Parihar, Dr. A . S . Santhi, Dr. G. Mohan Ganesh
5. |
Design of Helmet and Fracture Analysis to Identify the Crack Formation
K.Naresh, Y Ramdas, Sk. Habibul Rehaman, M. Dushyanth
6. |
Stock Market Prediction using Machine Learning
Amit Gupta, Raunaq Kataria, Neha Gupta
7. |
A Comprehensive Approach for Agile Development Method Selection and Security Enhancement
Ruchi Sharma, Amit Sharma, Dr. R.K Bawa
8. |
Overview and Analysis of Software Defined Networks (SDN): The Next Big Thing in Digital Networks
Amogh Santosh Pai Raiturkar, Andre Exequiel Anthony Pacheco
9. |
Strength Behavior of various types of Bricks Masonry
Amruta Anil Badge
10. |
Leap Motion Based Gestural Interface for Local and Remote Device
Mukesh P, Ann M. Michael, Kajal Kamble, Kavita Shelke
11. |
Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Concrete Elements made with Partial Replacement of Cement with Card-Board Sludge
Chandran A
12. |
Mobile Phone Mode Conversion& Location Application for Android
K.Praveen Kumar, D.Venkatasai Kiran, Ashish Singh
13. |
Novel Chemical Synthesis of ZnO Nanostructured Thin film by Lab-View Assisted Dip Coating Method
14. |
Retrofitting of RC Elements using Basalt Fibre
G.Bairavi, Dr.KL.Muthuramu
15. |
The Realm of Software Quality Assurance
Chaitali Roy, Mousumi Saha
16. |
Production of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil Using Two Stage Transesterification Process
Chhaya Rekhate Petle, Ritu Wadia
17. |
Investigation on machinability of GFRP composites by end milling using Taguchi’s optimization technique
I.S.N.V.R.Prasanth, Ravishankar, M.Manzoor Hussain
18. |
Energy Efficient Route Recovery Process in Mobile Sensor Network by using Check Point Route Recovery (CPRR) Algorithm Based on AODV Routing Protocol
K.Hanumanthu Naik, Dr.V.Raghunatha Reddy
19. |
A Survey of Vessel Segmentation in Coronary Angiogram Image
Harsha P. Jawale, K.S.Bhagat
20. |
Calculation of Rejection Ratio for EMG Signal for a Paralytic Patients Using Windowing Method
Hemant kr. Gupta, Prof. Ritu Vijay
21. |
Overview on Reduction of Dimensionality
Jata Shankar Yogesh, Gaurav Aggarwal
22. |
Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data containing Emoticons: A Survey
Jayanthi T, Sreeja K
23. |
Evaluate the Performance of Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing
Jyoti Talwar, Rupinder Kaur Gurm, Anuj K. Gupta
24. |
To detect tracking system of Parking Vehicle by using Sensors and Arduino YUN Device
Kande Archana, Dr. N. Sandhya, Dr. A Govardhan
25. |
Performance Evaluation and comparison of a Stainless Steel Heat Pipe with still Water Jacket
K D Chaudhari, B Y Patil, N P Salunke
26. |
Data Mining Techniques and Applications – A study
Koyel Datta Gupta
27. |
Super Resolution of RGB Color Images Based On Group Sparse Representation
Lingamanikandan Santhosh, Jino Hans
28. |
Comparison between Quarry Aggregates and Recyled Aggregates based on their Engineering Properties
Nabanita Baruah, Farheena Firdousi Islam
29. |
A Novel Method of Color Image Segmentation Using Wavelet and Modified watershed Algorithm
N.Naga Tejaswi, M.VenkataSrikanth, Dr.V.V.K.D.V.Prasad
30. |
Concentration of Toxic Heavy Metals in Some Selected Vegetables and Staples
Narendra Deo, Binay Kumar Singh
31. |
A Dynamic Approach for Key Distribution in Wireless Sensor Network
Neetu Rani, Manik Gupta
32. |
A Review on Cluster Based Energy Efficient Task Scheduling
Nitin Mohan Sharma, Amit Chhabra
33. |
Ann Modelling and Parametric Optimization of Powder Mixed Electrodischarge Machining by using Taguchi Method for AISI 1046 Steel
Osama Lari, Mashqoor Alam, Manish Shukla
34. |
Study on Effectiveness of the Training Programmes on ISO14001 Certification among Employees
M. Monika, P.M.Aswini, Dr.K.Parthasarathy
35. |
Experimental Investigation of a Particulate Reinforced Composite
R.Parameshwari, R.Mohan Raj, P. Bala Sundar
36. |
Review on Channel Estimation for MIMO OFDM System
Payal, Ashu Taneja
37. |
Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data
Kiruthika M., Sanjana Woonna, Priyanka Giri
38. |
Performance Test on IC engine using Pongamia Oil
K.Veeraraghavulu, Sudhakar Uppalapati, Nirmala K
39. |
Investigation on Strength of GGBS Concrete by using Bottle Cap as Fibers
V. Gayathri, R. Raja, K. Revathi
40. |
An Efficient Method for Conducting Online Quiz Using Mobile Application
G.Kiran Kumar, P. Sandeep, N.Aditya, G.Roja
41. |
An Experimental Study on Fal-G Brick
M.Selva priya, C.Chella Gifta
42. |
Digital Image Sharing by Diverse Image Media
Prof.Shubhangi Dixit, Shamal Jamdade, Prajakta Borate, Rashmi Kothawade, Prachi Kelkar
43. |
Investigation of Print Quality in Newspaper Printing using Web Offset Printing Machine based on Computational Intelligence
Srividya B
44. |
Time series Based Prediction of Global Solar Radiation of Bhubaneswar, India, A Comparative Study and review
Sthitapragyan Mohanty, Prashanta Kumar Patra, Sudhansu Sekhar Sahoo
45. |
Dual Active Series Resonant Bridge Converter for Energy Storage Systems
Sumana T, Sudha Yadav, J. Ramprabhakar
46. |
Optimization of process parameters of vibration assisted Electrical Discharge Machining Using AISI D3 steel
Sunpreet Singh Grewal, Jujhar Singh
47. |
A Survey on Efficient and Secure Video Encryption Techniques
Ashrith K.A, Prajwal S Patil, Raunak Matai, Saurabh Rajpal, Syed Akram
48. |
Complement Based Modified Approach to Secure Small Text Message Combining Triangulation Method
Tanusree Saha
49. |
Congestion Control in VANET Using Threshold Based Distance Metric with Time Synchronization Approach
Trishita Ghosh, Md. Shahriq Khan
50. |
Stability and Sensitivity analysis of LFC model by introducing Demand Response
Palakaluri Venkatesh, V. Anjana Devi
51. |
Spray Deposited Bismuth Oxide Thin Films from Non-Aqueous Medium
Rohit Paliwal, Dr.A.C. Nayak
52. |
Tracking Down Long ICMP Dos Attack in Wireless LAN
Geetam, Vikas Malik
53. |
Load Balanced Dual Cluster Heads (LBDCH) Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
Aarti Sharma, Rishi
54. |
Network System Protection against Internet Protocol Spoofing based Distributed Denial of Services Attacks during Socket based Packet Transmission
Kanta Verma, Rishi
55. |
Discovering vicious nature of network through Automated Discovery of Fuzzy Decision Rules
Garima Ahuja, Rishi
56. |
Energy Based Controlled Nodes Mobility for Efficient Design of a Wireless Sensor Network
Dr. Mohammed A. Abdala, Zahraa A. Ismaeel
57. |
Design & Development of Dual Axis Solar Tracking System to Get Optimum Power
Sudip Das, Biswamoy Pal, Milan Susmal, Partha Das, Basudeb De, Sukalayan Maji
58. |
Roles of Electronic promotional strategy on sales Promotion in Indian perspective
Dr. S. K. Sinha, Dr. Ruchi Goyal, Ravi Kumar
59. |
Analysis of Different Classifier Using Feature Extraction in Speaker Identification and Verification under Adverse Acoustic Condition for Different Scenario
Shrikant Upadhyay, Sudhir Kumar Sharma, Aditi Upadhyay
60. |
Modified Horizontal Dual Suspension System in Two wheelers
T.Balasubramani, S.Baraniprasath, D.Dhinesh Kumar, R.Maneeshwar, R.Ponmani
61. |
Comparative Study and Analysis of Different Denoising Methods used in Different Applications
Priyanka Rathore, Papiya Dutta
62. |
Graphical Representation of Pessimistic Locking and Concurrency Control for Temporal Database using Oracle 12c Enterprise Manager
Jaypalsinh A. Gohil, Dr. Prashant M. Dolia
63. |
Fabrication of Wind Turbine with and without Wind Energy
T.Balasubramani, Pasupathi.M, Alagappan.G, Anantharaj.M, Poopathyraja.L
64. |
Ultracapacitor Connected Flexible AC Distribution System Device
Ashwini A, Basavaraj Madiggond
65. |
A Study on Engineering of Cash Management and its impact on Profitability of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry with Special Reference to Cipla Ltd.
Dr. S.K. Sinha, Dr. Ruchi Goyal, Sunil Kumar, Vinay Gupta
66. |
Property Evaluation of Polypropylene Hybrid Composite with Nano Clay
Kiran Sankar M S, Akhil Krishnan G
67. |
Protect Web Applications against SQL Injection Attacks Using Binary Evaluation Approach
Venkatramulu Sunkari, Dr.C.V.Guru Rao
68. |
Experimental Investigations on Squeeze Casting of Metal Matrix Composites (A356 Al Alloy+ Sic)
P.Senthilkumar, S.Muniaraj, P.Kirubakaran
69. |
Comparative Study of V-I Characteristics by Replacing Low-K Dielectric (Sio2) with High-K Dielectric (Hfo2) in Mosfet
Anurekha Mukherjee, Aditi Tokder
70. |
Biomedical Communication Innovations: A Study on Recent Technologies
Bhavin Changela, Disha Menpara
71. |
Synthesis and Efficacy of Divalent Metal Complexes with Ligand Derived from 2,2- Dihydroxyindane-1,3-dione and ethylenediamine against Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria
Sangeeta Sharma, Rimpi Mehani ne’e Chopra, Veenu Chugh
72. |
Sentiment Analysis Levels and Techniques: A Survey
Priyanka Patil, Pratibha Yalagi
73. |
A Practical Approach of Efficient Resources Allocation by Reducing Time Delay in Grid Computing
Gaurav, Rishi
74. |
An overview of Fractional order PID Controllers and its Industrial applications
A.Sandhya, R.Sandhya, M.Prameela
75. |
Abdominal Liver Cyst Segmentation of CT Images Using Neural Network Classification
Vijaya Tharani A, Vinolia Anandan
76. |
Hand Gesture Recognition on Indian Sign Language using Neural Network
Deepali Kaushik, Ankur Bhardwaj
77. |
Estimation of Groundwater Recharge using Soil Moisture Balance Model – A Case Study of Kinaye Watershed, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
VijayaKumar.H, Nagraj.S.Patil, Mohamed Hanif Munshi, B. K. Purandara
78. |
Smart Reliable Network on Chip
Nivedita S Naragundakar
79. |
Finite element based Pretension analysis of threaded Fasteners with Experimental Investigation
Pradip D. Jamadar, Hemant K. Wagh, Dr. Girish R. Desale, Dr. Kartikeya Tripathi
80. |
A Study of Microorganism (Bacteria) on Concrete Strength and Durability: A Critical Review
G.T. Suthar, Dr. K.B.Parikh
81. |
A New Symmetric Cryptosystem using Randomized Parameters of SHA-512 and MD5 Hash Functions
T. Sivakumar, T. Anusha
82. |
Study of a Multiband Rhombic Fractal Patch Antenna
Priti Sharma, R. L. Yadava
83. |
Design and Implementation of Dynamic Network Task Management System
Arun S. Karjol, Bharath R.V, Dr. Anupama Kumar
84. |
Characterization of the structure of Anopheles gambiae Odorant Receptor 1 (AgOR1) and its binding affinity with novel inhibitors and phytochemicals: A Molecular Dynamics and Docking Approach
Akash Deep Biswas, Sujata Dev, Mattaparthi Venkata Satish Kumar
85. |
No-Reference Image Based On Fuzzy Classification for Quality Assessment
Percy Irine Biju P, Vinolia Anandan
86. |
A Well-Formed Petri Net Based Modeling Approach for Emergency Situation handling in Hospital
Suparna Karmakar, Sayani Chandra
87. |
Design of Novel Microstrip Patch Antenna for Dongle Applications
Krushna N.Dongre
88. |
Stir Casting of Aluminium and Silicon Carbide
G.G. Hosamani, Vishal B. Manoji, Vishwanath R. Biradar, Venkatesh N. Kallappagol, Laxmi I. Haragapure
89. |
Data Mining: Current Applications & Trends
Sidhant Sethi, Dheeraj Malhotra, Neha Verma
90. |
Advanced Unique Hybrid Clustering Method for effective classification of Bio-Medical Datasets
R.SatyaPrasad, Marri Suneetha, R.Mahesh
91. |
Taxonomy of Reconfigurable Computing and Operating System
Rupashri Barik, Amitabha Sinha
92. |
Design and Evaluation of Millireactor to Perform Reactions at Small Scale
V Kalyan, Sk Shaheda, AVS Prasad
93. |
Interference Mapping for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio
Shilpi Agrawal, Rinkoo Bhatia, Mahendra Singh Bhadoria
94. |
Studies on Preparation of Low Calorie Cookies Using Maltodextrin as a Fat Replacer
Y. A. Gaikwad, V. G. Jadhao
95. |
Climate Change and Impact on Water Resources
Gyanendra Kumar, Sumit Sengar, Aishwary Sharma
96. |
Analyses of Nine switch converter in Wind Energy Conversion using Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) for Variable Speed
Shruti N. Hoogar
97. |
A Combined Model of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning for Reliable Web Page Prediction
Mayank Khattar, Vikas Malik
98. |
A Review: Content Based Image Retrieval with its Real Life Applications and Types
Akash Gautam, Rinkoo Bhatia
99. |
Crosslinked & Grafted Poly (vinyl chloride) with 2-Mercaptoethanol & Thiourea
Ajay Singh, Seema Kaval
100. |
A Study to Compute the Numerical Solution of Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering
Shiv Kumar Sharma, K.M.Sharma
101. |
Folded Cascode OTA Design Based Current Conveyor II(CC II)
Khyatee Chauhan, Pooja Srivastava, Veepsa Bhatia
102. |
A Performance Comparison on Mobility of 3G & 4G networks
Manju Bala, Vikas Malik
103. |
Power Quality Improvement of Grid Integrated Type I Wind Turbine Generation System Operating as DSTATCOM by d-q Control Method
S V S Phani Kumar Ch, J.Bhavani
104. |
Enhancement of Power for Wind Farm to Weak Grid Connection
K.Durga Manogna, V.Lakshma Naik
105. |
Study of Routing Protocols for Mobile AdHoc Networks
Jagtar Singh, Sanjay Singla, Surender Jagra, Amit Kumar
106. |
Virtualization techniques in cloud computing
Adesh Kumar